Saturday, 2 January 2021

Spike and Scotch, the month flew by! 🌠

This is a little late and a bit of a jumble, but here are the rest of Spike and Scotch's days with us.

On day eight, Spike was so happy to see his girl Dolly again, and Spike was having fun with Charlie.

On day nine, they found the Star Wars gummies and decided to enjoy them. And hey, Baby Yoda was eating a frog!

On day ten, they chilled with Gman1's Mandalorian legos.

On day eleven, they wandered to the basement and chatted with Nathan's Star Wars creations.

On day twelve, they got into the sock advent box and pulled all the socks out to pick their favourites.

On day thirteen, they pulled out Nathan's annuals to have a day of reading.

On day fourteen, they shared some of the socks with their friends.

On day fifteen, they went back upstairs to Gman1's room to see Bobba Fett. 

On day sixteen, it finally snowed! Sadly, it also rained later so the snow was a bit crunchy and slick. But they had their shovels ready to help out if needed.

On day seventeen, they wanted to play outside even though it was icy.

On day eighteen, they had enough of the cold and were already thinking about the beach.

On day nineteen, they gave Nathan a mini Baby Yoda, complete with bowl and frog!

On day twenty, they pulled out the red fabric to make Nathan a new mask for school.

On day twenty one, they found Nathan's Jurassic Park Legos, big mistake!

On day twenty two, they got away from the dinosaur and found the right Legos!

On day twenty three, they thought Nathan needed a Bobba Fett face mask and now all the boys want one! 

On day twenty four, they joined the gnomes and "grew" beards! 

And on Christmas Day, Gman1 gave me this Baby Yoda which they thought they could get a ride with. Um, he's living in my craft room so he won't be going anywhere!

Who knows what next December will bring, Nathan certainly wasn't as interested this year. I think Spike and Scotch hung around for me this Christmas! Maybe I should teach them to stitch for me, that should keep them busy.

Oh, why do they have to grow up so fast?!
Nathan that is, not Spike.


Kaisievic said...

Oh, this is so adorable and so much fun!

Mary said...

Spike and Scotch had a fun Christmastime!! You have 2 handsome boys!! Happy New Year!!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Such fun! I love those socks - rather jealous I must admit. As for Nathan growing away from this sort of fun, there's not a thing to say you can't enjoy it (and share it with all of us who love it!!!).

Cathy said...

I see Baby Yoda has joined the crew this year. I think you do this for all of us to enjoy even if Nathan is getting too old!

Barb said...

I know just what you mean. My super sweet grandson turned 15 this year and has his learner's permit to drive. The last time I looked he was 5 and so excited to see Grandma and Grandpa! Where does time go??!!

Katie said...

I'm 41...keep posting for me haha. I love them. Love your ideas.

Faith... said...

He really has grown up! Spike and Scotch were really busy this year getting into mischief! I think we enjoy following their adventures though. Maybe you can teach them to pair up all the socks and put them in the rooms they go in? LOL Does Baby Yoda really eat frogs? I seen some good books on day 19! :) Hope 2021 will be a good one for you!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Oh my goodness, he's like a mini G-man!
I think your followers enjoy the antics enough to keep them going next year, Nathan can help plan if he wants!

Linda said...

I'm so happy that you continued with Spike and Scotch Astrid. Looking forward to this year.
