Monday, 27 January 2025

What to add? πŸ§™

The last time I worked on this was at the Grace Notes Retreat... in August 2023!
I added the witch and that was it. Just recently, I added the bottom part. I'm not sure what I was going for, kind of a mess of fall leaves? I also gave her a sparkly wand.
But, now what?! I'm trying to keep it all Maja's designs from The Snowflower Diaries, but can think of what to put above the ground and/or to the right.
Any suggestions?

This is what October looks like, but I wanted a more Halloween feel.

These are the previous months.

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Fully Finished Gallery - January 2025 πŸ–Ό

Welcome to Rachel's 
This is a great way to make sure I actually fully finish my stitched pieces! 
Please consider joining this monthly SAL, it just might inspire you.

Nathan is an aide for Mrs. H this year, all the boys have had her as a science teacher. She gave him some lovely Christmas tree ornaments she made out of wood. Nathan told me she likes turtles, and I had this Mill Hill kit I had made before. I already had everything I needed to make another, so that's what I did. She liked it and added it to her collection in the classroom!

This little cutie is actually a January birthday present for our daughter-in-love, C. He does look like their "little" Finn. I just changed some of the colours, removed some hearts, and gave him a Christmas bow.  

These Bride's Tree Ornaments were supposed to be a bridal show gift for C, but I didn't finish it in time. (Imagine that!)
So it was a Christmas pressie instead. I found all these little patterns either in one of the books I have of smalls, or free online.
I'm not quite sure why it's called a German Tradition, I never heard my German Momma ever talk about this, and my cousin there hasn't heard of it either. But, I thought of her when I was stitching them so that works for me! 

This is what my mother-in-law always used to sing to all the boys when they were little, so I thought it was an appropriate gift for her. It's also a magnet if she wants to use it that way.

Not the best photo, but I finished the last month for this Hands on Design , A Year of Celebrations. I changed a few things. Some because I made a mistake and wasn't about to frog it, and some colours so you could see them better. It was hard to see white on cream, so I outlined the snowman and made some of the white a light blue.

Here it sits with all the other snowmen. I'll leave this display up longer than the Christmas decorations because... snow!

Wow, that makes 16 Fully Finishes!
Be sure to check out what others have done, I need to do some catching up on blog reading so I'll be looking at them soon.
Thanks for hosting another year, Rachel!

Saturday, 28 December 2024

Flashback of the Hershey Fall Getaway 2024 🍫

I know this is a late posting since this was in September, but at least it's still 2024!
(Memories of last year, posting late.) 

Another fabulous event by LinAnn Events!
So many fun retreats, present, past and future!

We were in a different stitching room this year, much nicer with lots of windows.

Our "sweet" goodie bag.
I love that I have a stitching magnet for the car.

So many great vendors!

One that I didn't get a photo of was Sister Lou Stitches. She came later and I forgot to take one, oops!

My little stitching area.
I had just started Hands on Design's October.

We didn't go into the park this year, but instead went shopping at Hershey's Chocolate World.

I love those Reese's, especially the pumpkin ones.

Who knew?!

Such fun with these girls!

That would be one huge brain freeze!

Brenda thinks if she kisses up to the frog, he'll leave her alone.

Cathy working on her sampler, such a beautiful colour.

My bestie!

And a sweet Kiss!

Our funtastic table, it's always a good time with these girls!

Ah, the white elephant exchange.

This is what I ended up with, so many lovely treats. The word this year was CANDY.

This is what I put together. The tree stump had to have a squirrel!
If I remember correctly, two of us were tied for the most creative.

A collection of treasures I purchased from some of the vendors.

Our group, hogging the stairway for our photo shoot!

So another fall retreat was a success, and next year is planned. I'm already excited about it!

Friday, 20 December 2024

New Shop Opening in New Jersey, USA - Born to Stitch!!! πŸͺ‘

Woot, woot, Amy opened in November!
Born to Stitch is located in Secaucus, NJ, about five miles outside of NY.

Amy with her lovely Mom.

So excited for her!

The glorious thread room.

So much beautiful fabric and gorgeous colours.

The Holiday Room - Christmas and Halloween a plenty!

Melissa from December Stitches brought so many lovely models and patterns for Amy's first Trunk Show.

Then she interviewed Amy for her Instagram @December Stitches. Take a look!

And THEN, it was time for some fun with Bruce!

If you haven't figured it out, Amy is a huge fan of Bruce Springsteen. ❤
Thus the name of her shop, Born To Stitch for "Born to Run".

She found Miss Moura on Etsy to make her Bruce and Clarence. Aren't they adorable?

I personalized this Mill Hill pattern as a "store warming" gift to Amy.

We had fun making a video so you can see everything in the shop. Please take a look!

I was so fortunate to be able to help her organize the shop before she opened. With no traffic, she's about 3 hours and 15 minutes away from me - not a daily trip I wanted to make!
The last three times I came to help, I was able to stay with Judy, who lives about 35-45 minutes away from the shop. What a blessing she was/is! It was lovely to stay with her and her family, and you'd think we'd been friends for years instead of meeting in September. I had the best of both worlds being with each of them.❤πŸ₯°

 It was such fun and now that she's open, I wish I could be there all the time! When I left the evening she opened, this was playing... how appropriate.

So, if you're in the area, please be sure to visit and tell her I sent you! If you're in the area and she's shut, reach out and she might be able to meet you there!
She will have an online shop, but it's not quite ready yet. Hopefully soon!