Tuesday, 30 March 2021

April's Scavenger Photo Hunt Words... with details!

It's official, this is my first month hosting the Scavenger Photo Hunt, so let's run with it!

Once again, thanks to Katie @I live, I love, I craft, I am me..., for entrusting me to continue with her photo hunt prompt and link up.
I don't think I've really changed much, but here's a refresher. And I hope I've included all the suggestions given on the last post!

📷 Please share whatever photo or photos you feel goes with the word that is given.

📷 It doesn't have to be a recent photo, oldies are goodies too!

📷 Please give some type of description of your photo. As little, or as much, as you want to describe it.

📷 If once a week is too much and you'd rather post every other week, feel free to include both words. Or if you'd rather wait until the end of the month and post them all together, that's fine too.

📷 And for my stitchy and/or crafty friends, I'm sure you might be able to find something you've created that would fit?

📷 I'm planning on posting the link up on Thursday evening so those ahead of my US east coast time zone won't have to wait. I'll keep it up until Sunday evening.

📷 If you've missed the cutoff time/date, I can always add it after that for you.

So without further ado, here are the Friday words for April...
April 2nd Chocolate
April 9th Farm
April 16th The colour purple
April 23rd Earth
April 30th Bubble


Susan Smith said...

I'm in & I've written them down. Thanks & take care.

Carol said...

I’m in too ... thank you so much Astrid for picking up the baton ... glad it’s a nice easy one for this week 😃

Fil said...

Nice one Astrid - I'll try to keep up :) but it's a lovely idea to be able to bunch them up together. enjoy being the host :)

kjsutcliffe said...

Wonderful Astrid!! You are a natural (I have certainly passed it over to very good hands xxxx)
Thank goodness I can do the first one (stashed a lot of chocolate for incoming kids - the grown up kind - for the easter weekend x)
I will post on my blog a link to yours to ensure everyone sees you have taken over x

Tigermouse said...

Nice one Astrid :) It's good to have the option of posting every other week or even monthly and combining the words into one post. Thanks for taking over and I'm sure we'll all have a lot of fun :)

Kc'sCourt said...

These look fun
Thank you

Julie xxxxxx

Shami Immanuel said...

It seems fun. I will try to come in.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Good luck with the new venture! I am stealing your prompts for The People's Choice too. See what the voters make of them!