Friday, 5 March 2021

Scavenger Photo Hunt - March πŸ“· 🌺🍁

Welcome to this week's Scavenger Photo Hunt from Katie @I live, I love, I craft, I am me... The words this week are...

 Signs of Spring...

Our beautiful daffodils, although they always seem to bloom much later than our next door neighbour. I dug them out of this flowerbed in the fall because they were coming out of the ground and we need to redo that area anyways. I put them in the garage in a bucket where there are now starting to grow, have I killed them or what?!

Spring at my parents house, with my Mom's chapel in the background.

On one of our spring walks, I love seeing all the green after the dullness of winter.

This is where I left off with Gathering Honey, still quite a ways to go! It might be more summer, but the flowers make me think of spring.

Signs of Autumn...

Love that dragon on my parents roof, especially with the gold backdrop of leaves.

A sad fall, very quiet baseball games but nice to walk around the park.

Fall back...
"Autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower."
~ Albert Camus

So many things to love about the fall - the colours, the falling leaves, the coolness, ahhh. 

Be sure to see what others have posting for spring and/or fall.
See you next week.


shazza said...

Lovely contrast of colours between your Spring and Autumn pics. It's hard to pick a favourite! Hope your daffs have survived x

Jak said...

Love the flowers in front of your Mother's chapel. What are they? The Spring Green of your trees is so typical of spring. Your fall/autumnal colours are fabulous, especially the ones behind the dragon. x

Threads through my life said...

Wonderful photos, so colourful. Glad you included more than one photo! I'm sure you've not killed the daffs you dug up. My favourite is the photo looking back down the lane with the greenery just beginning to appear. Hopefully it will soon start getting greener here.

Linda said...

Awesome pictures as always Astrid.


beadgirl said...

Lovely spring flowers. It's too cold today to go for a proper spring walk, but I hope I start seeing flowers in my area soon.

P.S. I love the mermaid you're stitching!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Lovely photos, I like the Autumnal colours best of all. Although it is nice to see the bulbs coming through after the cold weather we've had.

kjsutcliffe said...

Your daffodils will be fine - just get them planted as soon as you can and they will reward you with their flowers!
Love that you did spring and autumn - lovely photos :)

Cathy said...

Beautiful photos!

Barb said...

Such pretty signs of the seasons. Spring really looks good right now even though Fall is my favorite!

Carol said...

Some fabulous pictures here ... some lovely colour contrasts ... I love the green of the trees against the almost black of the trunks πŸ˜ƒ

Shami Immanuel said...

Photos are pretty. Breathtaking views. Happy spring.

diamondc said...

Astrid: All your photos are lovely.
I love the Gathering Honey, so pretty.
September Owls are so sweet.


Tigermouse said...

All great photos and I love your white daffodils but my absolute favourite just has to be the shot of your mum's chapel through the flowers, it's just so pretty :)

Fil said...

The little chapel is so cute among the trees and the pink flowers.
It's great to see green shoots sprouting everywhere - each day now has something new showing signs of life.

Kc'sCourt said...

Gorgeous pictures. I did the Spring sampler many years ago

Julie xxxxx

Sheryl said...

Great photos as always and a pretty embroidery.