Friday, 26 March 2021

Scavenger Photo Hunt - March πŸ“·

  Welcome to this week's Scavenger Photo Hunt from Katie @I live, I love, I craft, I am me...

This is actually Katie's last hurrah of hosting these fun, and sometimes challenging, words. I have offered to take over starting next month. Can you please give me your input as to whether you liked it when there were monthly words, or rather like having a weekly word? Or maybe switch it up sometimes? Any other thoughts or comments would be appreciated as well. Obviously any pictures are welcome, I just try to add a stitched or crafty piece when I can.

Without further ado, here are the words this week...


The light outside of our dark bedroom.

Ah, Mr Chewy, loving that snow! He's so easy to spot out there, besides the fact that he would run around like crazy enjoying it.

Sweet little Addie just after Nathan and I picked her up for my parents.

I love Halloween lights glowing in the darkness.

These two are double trouble together! 

Nothing beats a bonfire on a moonlit night.

This was for an exchange, I love this Margaret Sherry kitty!

And finally, these two are the light in any darkness in our house!

Thanks again, Katie, for all of the great blogging prompts. I know I didn't start at the beginning, but I've had a great time joining in!
Please don't forget to visit the other wonderful blogs and to also give me your input for the future.

And once again, I'm backed up on reading blogs and responding to emails. Just when I think I'm caught up!


Threads through my life said...

Great photos; I particularly liked the window and bonfire ones. We do like to have a bonfire up at our fields whenever we've accumulated enough stuff to burn. I'm glad you're taking over the Photo Hunt; I am too busy .... At the moment I would favour a weekly one but I'll go with the flow!

Linda said...

More great pics Astrid. I think you will do a great job on the prompts.


kjsutcliffe said...

Lovely photos and stories, you will be great with the hunt! Weekly seems to have become very popular, it seemed to help those that wanted to blog but felt they had nothing to say, the prompts often gave them the inspiration they needed to chat away. I am very pleased you said you would take over - my life is rather full at the moment 😊

Tigermouse said...

Great shots, I like the window and the Halloween night sky, ming and Maximus of course but my favourite just has to be little little Addie - what an adorably sweet little pup :)

For the photo challenge, maybe it could be every other week? I've found the weekly ones great as I've not had much to write about on my own blog over the winter months but I only do two posts per week and it's now getting to the time when I'm going to be writing more, so personally weekly would be too often for me to take part every time. If everyone else prefers to keep it weekly that's fine, I'll still take part when I can :)

Jak said...

I too love Ming and Maximus and for cuteness overload it must be little Addie. I think weekly hunt has been good whilst we have all be at home in lock down, it seemed to give us something to do, sort of short and sweet. Maybe when life here in the UK anyway turns to near normal again you could ask again. People may be too busy. I will just go along with the others.

Good luck with hosting the blog. xx

Cathy said...

More beautiful photos! I'm not a photographer so I can't make any comments on the future of the blog, but I'm glad it will be continuing and I'm sure you'll do well as the host.

diamondc said...

Astrid: What a wonderful group of photos.
How nice that you are taking over the scavenger hunt photo post.
Have a wonderful week-end


Bethan said...

An excellent selection of photos! x

Susan Smith said...

Lovely photos Astrid, especially the ones of your pets. Thanks for sharing & also a big thankyou for taking over the reins. I've been with Kate for these from the start, but would like to continue with you & am quite happy to bimble along with what the others would like to see. I'll pop you on my sidebar & although feeling a bit weird today from our Covid jabs, I also need to do some catchup on blog reading too.Thanks again, take care & hugs from down under.

Fil said...

Lovely photos Astrid - especially the night time ones - bonfires and moonlight, great combination.
Good luck with the Scavenger Hunt - have fun. I'm looking forward to continuing with it.
I actually preferred it on a monthly basis although I seem to have joined in more when it's been weekly, but that's just how life is at the minute. But I'm happy to go along with whatever you decide. Best wishes. Fil

Carol said...

Lovely photos Astrid and, like others have said, thank you for agreeing to take on the photo hunt. I must admit I quite like it weekly as it’s a good prompt for a blog post and, like others, I’ve been struggling a bit for content of late ... hopefully this will change once we can get out and about a bit more πŸ˜ƒ

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Fantastic photos as usual. I really like the first one with the shape of the window.

Faith... said...

Great pictures! Of course; Chewy, Addie and Ming and Max are my favorites!

Barb said...

Great photos! I never knew a lab that didn't love the snow!

Kc'sCourt said...

Love the photos of the dogs, and the cross-stitch.

Shami Immanuel said...

Lovely photos. I like the one taken from your bedroom the most.