Sunday 27 February 2022

A Special Order ๐Ÿ“ง

I'd been looking at some shops/patterns on Etsy and this was one of the them, Living on the Rainbow, in the Ukraine.

I saw these cuties and decided I needed to get them, perfect for some upcoming weddings.

And here's another one I thought would work for a few friends... "Naughty" of course, but "I tried" could work for some!

I received them as a PDF, and a good thing too since it looks like mail service has been suspended there. One of the shops I thought about ordering from is taking a break, I'm guessing because of not being able to ship anything.

I know there are plenty more on Etsy, you can search for them there.
Then choose the shop location.

I hope you might find something you'd like to stitch and support them in a small way.

I can't even imagine what they are going through, but I am certainly praying for their country. 
And it looks like they have plenty of support.
Photos from CNN.

Have you ordered anything from Ukraine, or maybe plan to?

Thursday 24 February 2022

Feeling the Valentine Love ๐Ÿ’•

DH and I had lunch with friends the day before Valentine's Day and I received a lovely gift from my gf, Shana. I had gifted her a similar mug when she was going through something, and she gave me these lovely gifts just because.

That evening was spent with Cori, my chosen sister, and we both got chocolate to share with each other! It was the Super Bowl, so the tin was appropriate.

Here is her baby, Squirt, looking for love pats!

For the Secret Stitching Sweetheart Blog Hop, (Jo @Serendipitous Stitching's annual hop) my Valentine piece was sent to Cathy @The Stitching Grandma.

This is from Bent Creek. I got it from the giveaway table at a retreat, but I can't remember which one!

This is the Valentine piece that I received from Barbara @The Flashing Scissors, so sweet!

I also participated in Needlecraft Haven's Valentine Exchange and this is what I received. It was a non-stitching one and we were to give a compact reusable bag and some floss. This is the bag opened, I like to think the flamingos are enjoying themselves and having a drink or two!

This is what I sent my partner and this is her photo since I forgot to take one before I sent it!
Next up with the group, an Easter exchange!

Normally on Valentine's Day, DH and I really don't do much except flowers for me, a dinner I know he likes, and cards for each other, that's our norm.
This year I thought we'd do something different and join Father Leo for his Valentine dinner. He used to be a seminarian at our church years ago, so we knew him way back when!

He even has a food truck, which I've enjoyed too!

I didn't take any photos of what we had, but it was a four course meal that started with a salad with berry vinaigrette, then a creamy caper penne pasta, followed by a long braised beef rib with garlic mashed potatoes and sea salt roasted broccoli. I enjoyed every bite, it was delicious! As for dessert... tres leches tropical style cake with an edible orchid, yum. Oh, and there was wine too!๐Ÿท๐Ÿท๐Ÿท

We had a great table sitting with couples we didn't know and Father Leo asked each table to talk about our engagements, our spouses favourite meal, and we were all blessed after reciting our vows again. It was a truly lovely evening together. 
I wonder if this will be a yearly event?!

An oldie but a goodie, our sweet boys 15 years ago!

And that's a beautiful end to a memorable Valentine's Day!

Friday 18 February 2022

A Stitching Retreat Bonus ๐Ÿฅฐ

Since the Super Bowl stitching retreat was in New Jersey, and since I was driving near Edison, I decided to visit family friends.
Terry and my Dad have been penfriends since they were 15 years old. She lived in NJ and he in the UK.
Here is one of the photos she sent him.

This is when we first moved to the states in 1969, we stayed with them for a week before heading to DC for my Dad to start his job at the World Bank.
Mom, Dad, my older brother, and me (with the handbag!) Terry and her two kiddos, I guess Bob took the photo.

I saw them years ago when the Gmen were toddlers, but not since then. It was so lovely to see them for the afternoon and will definitely visit again when I'm near them for another stitching retreat.

Their sweet girl, Susie.

Their daughter, Laurie, is only a few years older than me and here are some of the times we got together.

On my way home, I was able to meet her for brunch! I think it had been over 36 years since we had seen each other and she hadn't changed at all - still a sweetheart! I look forward to seeing her again, hopefully sooner than the same time next year!

And because I didn't show what I was stitching at the retreat, here it is.

I'd like to think I'll finish it by this Halloween, we'll see!

Monday 14 February 2022

Secret Stitching Sweetheart Blog Hop ๐Ÿ’–

It's time to feel the love with Jo @Serendipitous Stitching and her annual Valentine Hop.
To see the exchange between the participants, start there to follow the love and try to figure out who sent what.

Home is where the heart is. And it looks like this sweet stitched heart is near the water!❤
think I know who stitched this, but I'll wait until she reveals herself to see if I'm correct.

Here are some Valentine quotes, maybe ones you've haven't heard before?

They invented hugs to let people know you love them without saying anything. ~ Bill Keane

All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt. ~ Charles M. Schulz

Valentine's Day means giving valentines, hugs, kisses, and remembering St. Valentine.
My Valentine will be my dog Skippy this year. ~ Emmy, 8

One Valentine's Day, a needle minder said to another needle minder - You are very attractive!

Thanks to Jo for another year of having us share the love! Wishing you a beautiful day, filled with love, laughter, and friendship. ๐Ÿฅฐ

Friday 11 February 2022

A Super Stitch-in Event!

I was so thankful to be able to attend another retreat last weekend, this time it was the Super Bowl Super Stitch-In hosted by Linda and Annette @LinAnn Events.

Along the way, I was close enough to stop by Needleworker's Delight and Silkweaver Fabrics for the very first time... and certainly not the last!

I honestly could have spend hours in there, but wanted to get to the hotel before it got too late.

So many nooks and crannies to explore, I know I didn't see it all.

So. Many. Threads!

Mermaids, Halloween, and Christmas, a dream come true!

I really restrained myself, but I did find these treasures I couldn't resist.

Luckily it was only about an hour away from the hotel, although I did have to drive in nasty weather with rain and fog. I finally arrived and was thrilled to see some of my NY stitching friends!
Our agenda for the weekend.

Our goodie bag, but this photo also includes the needle minder I received in the exchange, and the pattern I bid on during the auction. I had seen the Turn, Turn, Turn before and thought it was so cool. I just need to stitch it and figure out how to make it turn!

I was so happy that BFF Pouches and Bags were there, Peggy and Roberta have so many fun patterns to choose from! They have a group on fb, but it's private so request to join if you're interested. 

Imagine, I found more things from them that I couldn't resist - Mermaids, kitties, and an unexpected surprise, Doctor Who! I also found out the dragon pouch I received in an exchange years ago was made by them too, awesome.

It's always fun to see Annette's needle minders from Mind Your Needle. Her group is also a private on fb if you're interested, or she's on Instagram. She has just about anything you can think of, I love way too many of them!

And what's a retreat without the giveaway table? Imagine, I found more goodies there.

If you're on any of the fb groups for stitching, you might have seen Timothy, your friendly Stitching Steward! He has designed and stitched some amazing pieces and has a new website to sell his creations.

This is one he brought and shared with our group, so bright and colourful! You can find him @Stitching Steward to see more. I think it's a fairly new website and he will be adding to it. He also just started a fb group, Friends of Stitching Steward, maybe I'll see you there?!

Now THIS was a fun table! Sadly, my NY friend Karen couldn't make it, the weather on Saturday was really bad and it was too dangerous to come. There were others that couldn't come because of that too.
We tried to go out to dinner on Saturday night, but my car was thick with ice and I almost couldn't open it. The other car we were supposed to take was frozen shut, crazy weather!
I'm going to try and make a long story short, so hang in there... Come to find out that one of the ladies, Teresa, has a sister who worked for the Capitol Police and knows my friend Nina's husband, who also used to work there. Then we figured out we went to the same high school, not at the same time, but Nina and I graduated with her younger sister! Small world.

Here's another group on fb, One Nation Stitchers, led by Debbie. Hers is the one on blue and I'm holding mine. I think she's doing hers on 28 and mine is 32. The others either didn't bring theirs or it's waiting for them at home!

Our original auctioneer, Brian, was "sick" so "Justine" stepping in for him! 

Her musical introduction was spot on, what a hit! This is just a mini clip, I didn't get the whole thing.

Annette and Justine

And the fun didn't end there, the pajama and slipper contest was on!

I won the slipper part with zombies and our youngest attendee won the pj part as a unicorn, such fun!

In spite of not having everyone there, it was a fantastic weekend and I'm already looking forward to future events!

The hotel we stayed in was our first time there and I'm pretty sure it will be the last. So many mishaps and the restaurant attached has much to be desired. The employees were great, but the facility itself was a little run down and worn out. But it didn't deter from our event, that was top notch per usual!
Thanks to Debbie for sharing her photos with me, I didn't take as many as I should have.