This evening was spend in the Gartenhaus, with company! I headed out there by myself after getting my Mom to bed, but Miss Addie wasn't happy that I left her in the house so my Dad brought her out to keep me company.
The windows were open with the cool air coming in, it was wonderful! I had the "fire" on, but only the lights not the heat.
I joined in on the Halloween 2020 SAL, created by Alyssa Westhoek, and finally started stitching the border on the material I had ice dyed earlier. It's just counting right now, easy peasy. I know I'll change some of the pattern on the border, but I won't figure that out until I see what's coming. Is anyone else stitching this?
So Addie and I saw this while walking today and seeing that big black band is supposed to mean we'll be having a hard winter. We'll see, but snow please! Have you heard what your weather is going to be like this winter?