Sunday 28 April 2019

Scavenger Photo Hunt, April ๐Ÿ“ท

Another month has flown by! Here's Katie's I live, I love, I craft, I am me ... scavenger photo hunt this month, more fun!

The words for April are...

We went for a walk today by a nearby reservoir, here are the "boys" resting along the edge of the water. 

Another one from our walk today - I think these roots look like lots of bridges, maybe the ants go marching across them?!

A delicious loaf of bread, made from the leftover grains of brewed beer by DH.

This is a gorgeous black bear that came for a visit while we were at a lodge in Alaska several years ago.

They're mine, all mine! Although my family might disagree.

My Own Choice
These stunning ships were made by my great Uncle Tommy, in Hartland, Devon. He couldn't read or write, but WOW, look what he was able to create!

I'm not sure exactly when he started making them, but here we are in the late 70's.

Until next month!

Friday 26 April 2019

Friday's Stitching Ground ⛅

A half an hour ago, this is what it looked like in the enclosed porch - sunny, a little breezy, and nice and cool.

I found this free pattern for a quick stitch for my Momma for Mother's Day. She loves hummingbirds.

And this is what we're getting. 

It's now getting very windy and I'm hearing thunder, so I'm safely back inside!

Tuesday 23 April 2019

Easter Blessings ♱ ๐Ÿฐ

This year we decided to spend Easter with my parents, it was closer for Gman2 to get to from school and it has been quite a while since we spent it with them.

 What a nice surprise from Vickie, she sent my parents a lovely card for Easter! It looks good next to my stitchy bunny.

My Momma spent the morning in her chapel, such a beautiful alter.

Oh boy, Dad gave us hats to wear when we went to collect her. Even poor little Tenny!

A rare photo with my Dad.

Two out of three isn't too bad, but still missing Gman1. He spend Easter with his girl C and her family - we missed her too!

Dad got all fancy for us. Although Mom didn't eat with us, she's still eating her soft/pureed food, and it was more comfortable sitting in her chair in the next room.

Nathan was happy to be searching for his eggs later in the day.

Gman2 searching for his beer, he's happy too... sort of!

Nathan found an egg by Oma's window.

There's Momma/Oma watching from her room!

Taking a break, although he had another six pack to find.

DH before he left to go home, he had to work on Monday.

And on Monday, before Gman2 headed back to school.

Overall a very nice Easter and visit, tomorrow we head home. Nathan has off the rest of the week, I'm not sure what we're going to get up to yet.

Here's an oldie I made my parents, I ended up making one for me too since I liked it so much. I think I changed the colours a bit though.

I hope you all had a Blessed Easter, or maybe Passover?

Monday 22 April 2019

Easter Exchange Fun ๐ŸŽ

This year I participated in the Easter exchange with Needlecraft Haven for the first time, such fun! I brought the package with me to open on Sunday since we would be at my parents house.

I received my gift from Mary @Le Coeur Celtique, thank you so much! I tried one of the chocolates today, OMGoodness... it was raspberry chocolate and just melted in my mouth, so delicious!

How adorable it this?!❤ And I love the little bunny charm in the middle, so cute. This will look great on my Easter tree when we get home later this week.

This is what I put together for Clare @Aimetu's Stitching. I used an Easter pattern I already had, but never stitched, and only had to buy the "basket". I wasn't sure whether to stain or paint it, but Karen suggested painting it white.

The finished result, with most of the candy inside.

This is the photo Clare took after she received it. I forgot to take a picture of everything together before I sent it.

I'm already looking forward to participating in the next exchange, thanks for hosting this, Clare. And thanks again to you, Mary, for such sweet gifts.

Hopefully I'll have another Easter post tomorrow and then I need to respond to comments AND most important, catch up on my blog reading. I haven't even gotten to read the Easter blog hop posts yet!

Friday 19 April 2019

Friday's Stitching Ground ๐Ÿ›‹

This is not where I was supposed to be today, but here I am sipping my Tippy Cow and working on Gathering Honey. I'm doing some backstiching now so I won't have to do it all at the end like I usually do.

Originally, I was supposed to be celebrating Cori's 50th birthday by taking her away overnight to celebrate her special day. But unfortunately, she got sick and we had to cancel. At least where we were going to stay offered to have us come another night, so now we're trying to plan another weekend and it's not easy!
But I will have all her bday surprises ready for when we do figure out when we're going, I just hope it's soon.

Trying to be positive - at least when we go the next time, we'll have more time to spend there and hopefully the weather will be better!
I've been trying to make the best out of the worst lately - so far, so good.
Any positives going on with you?

Easter Treasure Hunt Blog Hop ๐Ÿ‡

Spring not only brings the PEEP show, but also Jo @Serendipitous Stitching's Easter blog hop! Start there if you haven't already to collect letters from other blogs to figure out the seasonal phrase.

I don't have anything new stitched for Easter this year, except an exchange piece that I can't show yet. So here's a few I've done in the past. I bought the big wooden rabbit at the church sale last summer, it was too cute to pass up!

And now the letter you've been waiting for...

Now hop on over to Books, Crafts, And Other Procrastinations to collect your next letter. 

Thanks Jo, for putting together the hop, it's always such fun!

Thursday 18 April 2019

It's a PEEP Show!๐Ÿฅ

It's spring and almost Easter, which means... PEEP Show time!
Nathan and I headed there after his half day of school today, the start of his Easter break.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.

Some sweet characters, I really love Dumbo!

Pretty peeps, raining peeps too.

Critters! The peacock and owls were really impressive.

Countdown to Easter

Only one dragon and he was tiny.

Upper right corner - Rainbow Peep Emoji, aka ๐Ÿ’ฉ, maybe eating too many peeps?!

So many sweet scenes.

Super Peep in action.

The bees were busy and Snoopy looks great.

Rubik cubes were popular!

The bride was beautiful and the Christmas tree was amazing!

Oh no, but the band played on.

OMGoodness, one of my favourites!

And this one is out of this world!

Happy Easter/Peepster! ๐Ÿฐ

I'm sure he was standing uphill from me, but I'm not sure about next year.