Tuesday 30 November 2021

Scavenger Photo Hunt - Tradition ๐Ÿ“ท ๐Ÿ—“

Welcome to the fourth word of the Scavenger Photo Hunt for November. As always, anyone can join in with whatever inspires you and I can always add it after the sign up is closed. And here I am, late again!

Every fall, I make at least one pumpkin cheesecake and pull out my Fisher Price people for display.

Sometimes just after Thanksgiving, but mainly on December first, Spike comes out to play! I thought last year was going to be his last year since Nathan was 14 and no longer that interested. Now I'm thinking, why not do it again, I'm having fun! But I am finding it more difficult to come up with new ideas.

I've had Christmas crackers all my life and have continued the tradition with my family. 
At least it's easier to get them here now. My Dad used to have them sent to him from GB, and one year he had a huge box of them sent. My younger brother and I got into them before Christmas to get the trinkets. Nobody could understand why there weren't any trinkets in there when we popped them... I'm sure it was his idea.
Even Spike and Scotch like to join in!

Enjoying Christmas dinner,trickets included, with my parents.

Ah, it will soon be time for Jo's annual Online Advent Calendar, be sure to pop on over starting on December first.
I've been participating every year so it's definitely a wonderful tradition.

Going to a PEEP SHOW! Now I'm not sure if Nathan will want to come next year since he's 15, but I'm hoping!

December is sneaking up way too fast, but here are your words! 
December  3rd   Ornament/Menorah
December 10th  Mug
December 17th   Homemade
December 24th  Stocking
December 31st   Celebrate

Thursday 25 November 2021

๐Ÿ“ท Scavenger Photo Hunt Link-Up Party ~ Tradition


You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

I am not a Turkey... ๐Ÿฆƒ

I was able to get photos of those fabulous turkeys from the boys old school.
As a reminder, here's Nathan when he was in first grade - only eight years ago! 

Here's this year's first graders with their creativity.

I am not a turkey. I am a Ballerina. Look at my crown. I dance all day. I love dancing with my turkey friends. I am thankful for everything I learn.

I am not a turkey. I'm a princess. Look at my dress and my tiara.

I am not a turkey. I am a grandma! Look at my grey hair. I love to sip coffee. Gobble, gobble... I mean, hugs and kisses.

I am not a turkey. I am a ballerina. Look at my pink tutu. I dance all day and I am helping other turkeys practice their dancing. Oops...

I am a cheerleader and I like to cheer. I am not a turkey. Would a turkey have a bow? Would a turkey have pompoms? Would a turkey have earrings and sparkly shoes?

Hello! I am not a turkey. My name is Turkeyisssa, The Queen. I live in a castle. I have two poults. Oops, I mean kids.

I am not a turkey. I am a big orange pumpkin. I make scary faces. People open my top. I have a candle inside of me. I am not a turkey because I cannot run, but I can roll.

Hello! I am not a turkey. I am Superman. My cape helps me fly from place to place. My favorite thing to do is gobble, I mean talk, to my friends. My super power is kindness!

I am not a turkey. I am a Packers football player. Look at my football and my uniform. I catch the ball and score touchdowns. People love to watch me play on Thanksgiving!

I am an Orioles fan. I like watching other turkeys play a baseball game, I mean other humans.

I am a superhero. I save other turkeys. Oops, I mean people.

I am not a turkey. I am Frankenturkey, I mean Frankenstein. Can't you see my lovely green skin? I am a friendly monster here to help all people enjoy the upcoming Thanksgiving.

I am not a turkey. I am a hockey player. I play for Tricity Eagles. Today I am playing the Caps. I am going to beat the Caps and make it to the championship.

I am not a turkey. I am a gymnast. I flip and tumble. I even win gold medals. I hope I make it to the Oympics.

I am Batman, not a Thanksgiving turkey. I love my bat symbol. With my bat hammer, I can fight evil turkeys. Oh, oh... I mean evil people!

I am not a turkey. I am an Eevee. This Eevee wants to evolve into a Vaporeon or an Espeon. Eevees like to dance. Vaporeon likes to swim. Espeon likes to be calm and meditate. Eevees have cute little eyes, fluffy long ears, and tail. In the middle, it is soft and fluffy.

I am not a turkey. I am a football player. I go around knocking people over with my defensive lineman stance. Don't eat me because you will get sick from the grass on my cleats!

I am not a turkey. I am big and round. I am orange and I have seeds in my belly. I grow in the fall. I have a point on top. Happy Halloween!

I am not a turkey. I am a mermaid turkey. I mean, mermaid. I like to swim.

I am not a turkey. I am a Christmas tree. You cut me down and decorate me. I shine bright for you.

I am not a turkey. I am a present. Do not eat me because I am a gift for Christmas. Please put me under the tree.

I am a ballerina. I am not a turkey. I love to dance. I am beautiful at dancing. I am good at jumping on the floor.

My name is Ms. Crazy Lady. I have a husband named Mr. Hat. I have kids names Cynthia and Sophia. We like to eat steak for Thanksgiving. People think I'm a turkey but I'm not. I am a colorful chicken.

I am not a turkey. I am a leopard. I like to sleep all day and stay up all night. I get very hungry at night. I am very fast. I like to gobble, I mean purr when other leopards are close by. If you make me mad, I will growl.

I am a princess. I have a colorful dress. I also have some pink shoes. My head has a crown. I dance around all day. I can point very well. I have a mom, a dad, brothers and sisters. I live in a castle. I also live in a place called Europe and I play with my best friends ever. 

I am not a turkey. I am a soldier. Look at my suit. I drive around all day helping other turkeys, oops... I mean people.

Turkey fun.
I am not a turkey. I am a police officer, look at my badge. My name is Tom. My job is to protect all turkeys. Oops... I mean people!

Another fun year, I'm so glad I was able to share them with you. I'm grateful I was able to get them last night. I think only one class did it this year, so sad!
Happy Thanksgiving to those who are enjoying those turkeys who weren't in disguise!

Wouldn't it be nice if everyone's super power was kindness?

Monday 22 November 2021

Scavenger Photo Hunt - Something You See Every Day ๐Ÿ“ท๐Ÿ‘“

Welcome to the third word of the Scavenger Photo Hunt for November. As always, anyone can join in with whatever inspires you and I can always add it after the sign up is closed.

Something You See Every Day
This is my view in our great room, looking to my right, where I sit at some point every day to stitch, or chill. I've enjoyed seeing the leaves change colour and fall down, and I'm really looking forward to seeing it snow.

This is my view on my left. Good thing DH uses the other sofa to sit on! There is always stitching to been seen since I stitch every day.
And hey, the laundry basket, something else I see almost every day.

Mr Chewie is normally in his bed, although he also likes to sit by my feet sometimes.
Tomorrow, I'll be happy to see my village behind him.

There's always some reason to walk in my craft room daily. That darn cleaning fairy still hasn't shown up.

Lucky me, I get to see this trio daily. Sometimes Gman1 is with C, so maybe I'm not seeing him every day.
We did tell the Gmen to stay here as long as they can so they can save money to hopefully buy something down the road. I'll take it as long as I can get it!

Ah, these two, Maximus and Ming. Even though Max still hides away from Chewie, I have my nightly snuggles to look forward to.

I can't forget this guy, my DH! ❤
I guess looking at myself in the mirror every day counts too?!

My daily stitching lately has been this sweet little angel that I'm making for my Momma.

Can you believe next month is December?!
Are there any words you can think of that you'd like to see? I can think of wintery/holiday ones, but maybe there's others you can think of? Let me know!

Monday 15 November 2021

Scavenger Photo Hunt - Apple ๐Ÿ“ท๐ŸŽ

Welcome to the second word of the Scavenger Photo Hunt for November. As always, anyone can join in with whatever inspires you and I can always add it after the sign up is closed.

This was several years ago when Nathan and I went apple picking at a local orchard.

You can tell it was a while ago, he's much taller than me now! I can't remember what apples we picked, but I remember that they were delicious.

These next photos were taken by my Dad. 
He didn't pick these apples, but got them at the local market.

I gave them this apple peeler/corer/slicer years ago and it certainly makes things go much quicker. Unless the apple is too soft, then it's a hot mess.

The end result.

He tosses this outside for the deer to enjoy.

The end result, Mom/Oma's Apfelkuchen. OMGoodness, I can't wait to have some, hopefully the next time I'm there.

I know I've used some of these before, but there are apples in each one!

Trying something new next week - Something you see every day.