Sunday 31 October 2021

Trick or Treat Blog Hop ๐ŸŽƒ 2021

Start there to see where to begin collecting all the letters from the other blogs to figure out the Halloween phrase for this year.

My Halloween stitching this year is my finish of The Haunted Mansion by tiny modernist. I started this in the beginning of 2020 and I loved stitching every bit of it!
I did it on 32 count, over one, I didn't want this to be a big piece. I still have to get it framed properly, but thought this was appropriate for today.

I made several changes to "make it my own" 
~ The witch is now green, I added whiskers to the cat, and I made her broom with strands of floss.
~ I have the Invisible Man sitting in the chair, although he's been accused of being the Purple People Eater!
~ I made Frankenstein's Monster taller with thicker boots.
~ I changed the skeleton at the front door to a Zombie.
~ I changed one of the skeletons sitting at the table, to the Mummy from another tiny modernist pattern. 
~ I started to add an arm coming out of one of the graves, but can't decide if I want to continue.

Now the letter you've been looking for...

For your next Halloween haunt, head over to see sweet Cathy @The Stitching Grandma.

Tuesday 26 October 2021

Scavenger Photo Hunt - Costume ๐Ÿ“ท๐ŸงŸ

Welcome to the fourth word of the Scavenger Photo Hunt for October. As always, anyone can join in with whatever inspires you and I can always add it after the sign up is closed.

This was taken on a family cruise, with about sixteen of us, so many years ago! It was during Thanksgiving and we dressed as Pilgrims and Indians. Nana was the sweetest Pilgrim, but sadly she is no longer with us. It's been six years just the other day and we still miss her. She was something special!

Even pups need costumes!

When we still lived in Wales, before moving to the states.

My parents first costume party when we moved to Virginia in 1969.

They didn't necessarily have it for Halloween, sometimes it was during the winter for fun.
I know they made these costumes, Dad's was made from white sheets!

My older brother and I. No fair, he's got a bigger pumpkin!

The sweet little Gmen, cutie patooties.

Oh look, a whining cat!

They adored Toy Story with Buzz and Woody.

Me too! But we couldn't get DH to be Mr. Potato Head.

No more cute costumes, onto the scary ones!

Baby Nathan came along and I got a dragon!

Then HE became a whining cat! This costume was an oldie from DH when he was younger.

Oh no, he became the dragon slayer!

But he sure looks cute!

His fourth birthday party at the FD, the fun fireman.

And he loved Buzz and Woody too.

Don't forget Jessie!

I love this trio!

I had a rough night.

Cori, as Snow White, was not impressed.

Fun in New York, lots of characters there.

Ming aka C-3P0

More fun at the Renaissance Festive several years ago.

I'm sure I have cross stitch pieces somewhere, but I'm already late in posting this!
See you Friday for the word Halloween, or you can choose your own word, maybe related to autumn?

Tuesday 19 October 2021

Scavenger Photo Hunt - Purple ๐Ÿ“ท๐Ÿ’œ

Welcome to the third word of the Scavenger Photo Hunt for October. As always, anyone can join in with whatever inspires you and I can always add it after the sign up is closed.
If you can believe it, I had this started on Friday but didn't quite finish it, and then forgot about it!

Nathan sporting Laps for Lexi  this year, her favourite colour was purple.

Purple balloons with the moon.

I have a little Lexi collection. 

I love my dragon and the ball changes colour.

Some of our crocuses in bloom.

Ice dyeing with purple, tshirts and stitching fabric.

This was from a retreat, pretty birdhouse in purple.

My Momma in her purple scarf during her Red Hat Society gathering a few years ago while in rehab.
She's been in the hospital recently with pneumonia and is so ready to come home! 

Sweet Cori loving the "purple" tree.

Sunset near me with all those beautiful colours.

Bits of pottery I painted, various purples.

Depending on who I asked, the purple chair either has the Purple People Eater sitting in it, or what I intended, the Invisible Man! Which one do you see?

Santa in his robe.

See you on Friday for costumes, maybe I'll actually been on time for once?!

Tuesday 12 October 2021

Scavenger Photo Hunt - Candy ๐Ÿ“ท๐Ÿฌ

Welcome to the second word of the Scavenger Photo Hunt for October. As always, anyone can join in with whatever inspires you and I can always add it after the sign up is closed. 

Special candy when Nana turned 90. Sadly, we lost her at 92, but she will never be forgotten!

Halloween candy, who knows what year or which boy it belonged to!

Years ago, this house went all out at Halloween. It was almost like one stop trick or treating, they had so much to offer. Lots of full size candy, in addition to snacks and treats. They even gave you a paper bag to put everything in!

Here's Nathan picking out his candy.

Halloween house accessorized with sweet candy.

Sweet Nathan measures up to Reese's peanut butter cups, one of my favourites!

Nathan enjoys a cake pop at Laps for Lexi, he likes the sugary Care Bear on top.

Gman2 with his Skittles board - taste the rainbow!

I guess Peeps are considered candy? It makes for a delicious tasting smore, or even better toasted on its own.

These were taken by my Dad of the boys when we went to the Fruit Bowl near them.

So much candy to choose from!

Sadly, I don't think I have any candy stitching. At least none that I can remember!

Friday will be here before you know it, bring out your purple!