Sunday 25 July 2021

Scavenger Photo Hunt - July ๐Ÿ“ท๐Ÿจ

Welcome to the fourth word of the Scavenger Photo Hunt for July. As always, anyone can join in with whatever inspires you and I can always add it after the sign up is closed.
This week's word is -

Ice Cream
Another oldie from my Dad, thank goodness I don't make as much of a mess anymore.

Well, at least he's a not as messy as his Mom!

We have an ice cream maker, although we haven't made any recently. But maybe this week?!

I know I've posted this photo before, but this beer ice cream in Canada was delicious.

Visiting Young's Jersey Dairy in Ohio while visiting with family several years ago.

We had a great time with them and the ice cream was so good, we were all happy with what we got!

A new Cold Stone just opened up in our area, so DH and I went today so I could post some photos for you. It was a tough job, but worth it!

I chose the Peanut Butter Cup Perfection.
If you're not familiar with Cold Stone, this is how it works... the ice cream is scooped, chocolate drizzle and peanut butter drizzle are added, then some Reese's Cups. Mix it all together on an actual cold stone, and then hand it over!
You can make up whatever you want, but this one is my favourite. Although I might have to try coffee next time.

Sadly I don't remember stitching any ice cream, but I do have this pattern so I could change that. 

What's your favourite kind of ice cream?
My ultimate favourite is pumpkin, so I'm looking forward to the fall!

Thursday 22 July 2021

Birthday/Christmas in July ๐ŸŒฒ

A dear friend of my Dad's celebrated her 90th birthday last week. She lives in Britain, but married an American way back when and they lived in North Carolina for a while before eventually returning to the UK. Her husband had an old red truck while they were in NC, so this was a reminder of it for her since it's just her now.
This Mill Hill pattern was for a red car, but I converted it to a truck.

Last week I spend some time with my parents before I took my Mom to have her 2nd cataract surgery on Friday. Dad found this jar of mincemeat and decided we needed a pie since he didn't make mince pies last Christmas.

He even added the decorations to make it official!
He also added Brandy to the whipped cream, delicious and truly a Christmas treat. 
It was good, but not quite as good as his mince pies.
I might have to help make them this year, that way I can take some home to enjoy!

My Momma after her surgery, she's doing great and very happy not to have to wear her glasses anymore. Except for her "cool" sunglasses!

Monday 19 July 2021

Scavenger Photo Hunt - July ๐Ÿ“ท๐ŸŒณ

Welcome to the third word of the Scavenger Photo Hunt for July. As always, anyone can join in with whatever inspires you and I can always add it after the sign up is closed. And here I am, late again!
This week's word is -

Way back when photo taken by my Dad of my Godparents who were visiting from Essex.
This was one of our pit stops when he would take our visitors to Shenandoah National Park. Although we would always bring our own picnic supplies.

I'm not sure where we were going, maybe the mountians, or the beach, but the picnic stop always included tea!

The Gmen when they were in Cub Scouts, enjoying their grilled cheese sandwiches.

Our neighbourly squirrel having a little picnic on our deck.

What's a picnic without a cupcake?! Nathan was enjoying this one at a class picnic.

My nieces and Nathan having a pizza picnic in the enclosed porch, complete with a Disney movie I think.

This is the only "picnic" piece I can remember stitching, at least the lower corner of it!

I hope you can join in on Friday for some ICE CREAM! I'm ready for some every night this time of year. Come show us what you love!

Monday 12 July 2021

Scavenger Photo Hunt - July ๐Ÿ“ท ♨️

Welcome to the second word of the Scavenger Photo Hunt for July. As always, anyone can join in with whatever inspires you and I can always add it after the sign up is closed. And that's only been me so far!
This week's word is -

This was probably taken by my Momma, our first grill in the states when we moved from Wales. I was two years old and looks like I was ready to eat!
OMGoodness, fresh salmon on the grill in Alaska. Haven't had anything better since then!
This little guy wanted to help eat cook it, but had to settle for enjoying the salmon oil that dropped in the sand.
DH completed his beer list at The River Hill GRILL. Too bad it's changed hands since then and it's not as good as it was.

Two guys, cleaning up the grill to make our dinner!
I know you can't tell, but we made grilled cheese on the fire pit... delicious!

We have two single sandwich makers, but I gave this one to DH for Christmas so we could have bigger grilled cheese sandwiches! I guess we'll have to wait until the fall to enjoy it, it's rather hot outside now.
Alas, I do not have any stitched pieces related to a grill, or grilling, at least none that I remember.

Friday 9 July 2021

Friday's Stitching Ground ๐Ÿ•

Friday night at our house means homemade pizza night! And the best part (besides being delicious), I'm only responsible for cooking the sausage. Normally DH makes the dough and the Gmen help put them together. Nathan's job? Cleanup!
Tonight we had our friend, John, join us. Friends are always welcome, it makes it more fun!

I decided to start this one while watching them. They've been doing it long enough that they don't need any supervision!

My drink for this evening was what Gman1 brought home tonight. A nice change from beer and/or sours.

After dinner, they guys played Catan and I pulled out Gathering Honey to stitch since I had more room. Although I didn't sit with them very long, they were getting rather loud and very involved in the game!

Now they're ready to play corn hole outside and I know I won't be stitching out there.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow evening when my gf comes over for dinner, drinks (I'll tell you about that next time), and crafting. She'll be sleeping over, so we'll see how long we last!

Do you have a weekly/monthly ritual with your family and/or friends?

Monday 5 July 2021

Scavenger Photo Hunt - July ๐Ÿ“ท ✨

 Welcome to the first word of the Scavenger Photo Hunt for July. As always, anyone can join in with whatever inspires you and I can always add it after the sign up is closed.
This week's word is -


Sparkles at Disney in 2002

Last night at our friend's house, their neighbours had a show we were able to enjoy.

Can you see how thrilled Nathan was when I wanted to take his photo?!

Some of last night's fireworks, I love how you can hear some of the sparkles, or maybe they sound more like crinkles?

More 4th sparkles created by DH and boys at the lake, several years ago - I did take both of these photos, but separately, then put them together. 

This was for an exchange, I added the sparkle red boarder and then stitched fireworks with a Kreinik thread.

More sparkle thread, I really need to work on this again.

I made this for Mill Hill for my Momma and added the sparkles in the sky and some in the snow.

I guess I could have looked for some lovely water photos, but fireworks seemed appropriate this week!