Day 17
I am thankful for giving...
my time to volunteer
my ears for listening
my hands for helping
my legs for walking
my voice for speaking
my mind for thinking
my heart for loving
my our wallet to donate!
And speaking of donating, here's something you can do if you live in the States - Operation Christmas Child. Maybe there's something similar in other countries?

Everything you need to know will be found there on how to select, pack, and send a box. You will be asked to pay $7 to help cover delivery and by donating online, you can follow your box.
Operation Christmas Child
The Greatest Journey
Follow Your Box
How To Pack A Shoebox
Build a Shoebox Online
Packing Parties
Call to Prayer
Drop-Off Locations
Frequently Asked Questions
Journey of a Shoebox
Regional Offices
Prayer Network
Gifts-In-Kind Program
Thanks to Karen, she posted this on fb for some gift ideas.
I did this years ago when the gmen were young and now it's Nathan's turn. Who knows, the big boys still may want to send one!
The deadline for turning in your box is Monday, November 25th - looks like we're shopping this week.
We also like to "adopt" children or a family at Christmas, so maybe that's something you can do in your area.
Let me know if you do something like this and what you thought!
my time to volunteer
my ears for listening
my hands for helping
my legs for walking
my voice for speaking
my mind for thinking
my heart for loving
And speaking of donating, here's something you can do if you live in the States - Operation Christmas Child. Maybe there's something similar in other countries?

Everything you need to know will be found there on how to select, pack, and send a box. You will be asked to pay $7 to help cover delivery and by donating online, you can follow your box.
Thanks to Karen, she posted this on fb for some gift ideas.
I did this years ago when the gmen were young and now it's Nathan's turn. Who knows, the big boys still may want to send one!
The deadline for turning in your box is Monday, November 25th - looks like we're shopping this week.
We also like to "adopt" children or a family at Christmas, so maybe that's something you can do in your area.
Let me know if you do something like this and what you thought!
Such a sweet post dear..
Big hugs x
Our church has a special tree in the nave each Christmas. Paper doves are hung from it with requests for presents from the needy children from our very own congregation written on those doves. I broke down sobbing when we picked a dove one year. A young boy asked for........... underwear and socks. I am crying again recalling it. You are in a desperate way when you are a child asking for underwear for Christmas. This year each one of our three teens is also picking a dove.
I hope lots of boxes are donated.
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