Thursday, 2 March 2017

TH Thursday

THinking, THinking, THinking...

THinking THoughts, and being THankful on THursdays.

What are you thankful for about the person (or maybe animal?) to your right?
Well, Ming are Max are next to me, but they keep moving around! So the human next to me is in the other room, but technically to my right... Nathan!
I lovingly call him our blessing because DH only wanted one child - HA! Hello Gmen - but I always wanted another. DH guessed I was pregnant when he came home from work one day and I was crying. When I confirmed, he just laughed, what else was he going to do?!
Anyway, Master Nathan - what can I say, he is so very loving. Always looking for a cwtch, a kiss, willing to share a snuggle with a kitty, and sometimes even shares his chocolates! He can drive me crazy at times, but ultimately he makes me smile. He thinks of others and tries to do the right thing. He has a smile on his face, and if he doesn't, it's pretty easy to put one there! 
I look forward to seeing the man he becomes, just not anytime soon!

So who's to your right?


Linda said...

What an awesome post Astrid.


Julie said...

A lovely post.

It made me smile to read that your DH only wanted one child but mother nature saw fit to change your family ethos right from the start with having the Gmen. I guess when Nathan came along your hubby got his wish and only had one baby that time.
I'm home alone, plus Midge my lovely tabby i'll have to say him, although he's more of DH's kitty as he snuggles and has lap cuddles on the blanket with him. He comes to me for food!!

Debbie W. said...

Such a happy post, and such a lovely story. Isn't it a joy to see our kids grow up to be amazing young men and women? :)

To my right at this moment is our very senior dog, Jetta, who wants to know why there is a tiny bit of snow on the ground here. Wasn't it just few days ago when we were having temps in the 70's??

Vickie said...

I just love it! One child. tee hee! God had other plans didn't He? :D
My husband is to my right. I am thankful for his love. He tells me it was love at first sight. ;) We were teenagers. I am thankful he provides for us all and loves us all and is a good husband and father.

Katie said...

What a great post. In the evening my hubby is on the right of me kind of. His couch is ahead and to the right. He's amazing. He's always supported me and treats me so fantastic. I always hear horror stories about other husbands and just thank my lucky stars that I have my Fred. I do believe in soul mates and believe we were meant to be together. Of course there are times he drives me crazy but I think that's love. Even when I'm mad at him I love him dearly.

Kaisievic said...

What a lovely post!

Barb said...

Nathan is such a cute little boy, no wonder you are thankful for him. My DH is on my right even though he is in another room. He is not only my husband but by far, my best friend. I can't begin to tell you how thankful I am for him.

Rachel said...

Very lovely post, it's wonderful to acknowledge the things we're thankful for.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

That is such a lovely photo of the two of you!
My older son is to my right (through a wall too), he definitely changed my life, for the better! I have had so many different opportunities since I had him. I would never have taken the plunge and left the well-paid steady job I had without him to look after.

DJ said...

Awww....I love Nathan too! You are blessed with a lot of wonderful people in your family!!

Melinda Forbes said...

Great post. I really have to spend more time remembering all my blessings