Thursday, 27 February 2025

Trying to promote BLOGGING! πŸ’»

Such fun, Mel @December Stitches interviewed me via Instagram a couple of weeks ago. 
It was so lovely to chat with her and I talked about my "old school" blogging!
You never know, maybe we'll get some new bloggers, Mel included!
You should be able to see it here... 

It's something she does pretty regularly on her Instagram page - December Stitches.
I met her at Amy's shop, Born To Stitch, on the first day she opened in November. She interviewed her there and brought a wonderful trunk show.
That post is here, in case you missed it.

Here are their new releases coming to Market.
Mel also did a tutorial on how he was made.

Otterly Perfect

Naughty List
I'm thinking I really "need" this one!

Feathered Friends - May

I think that's it, but I'll find out for sure next week!


Mini said...

Blogging world has changed a lot over many people stopped blogging and new stitchers use Instagram. Even I'm returning to blogging and can use some audience :)

jocondine said...

Great post, my DIY blog is still important to me, keep me busy on my WIP. Great show, love Elvis! xxx

A Patchwork of Crafts said...

Yes, its an odd space now, the blogging space. I still get lots of google recorded "visits" from all over the world. But, how many are real people is debatable, and the number that leave a comment is minimal (I am always delighted when one appears now) I sometimes feel it is as much a crafting diary for me as it is something shared.