Friday, 16 August 2019

Friday's Stitching Ground 🐝

Today's stitching ground has me stitching at home this evening... catless!
I found this one in my craft room that I had forgotten about, so I thought I would finish it since I'm so close! I started stitching and noticed I needed to frog a bit of it, ugh.

They were kind of next to me though!

How many times have you surprised yourself by finding a WIP you'd "forgotten" about?


Vickie said...

Oh Sweetheart Tree patterns are so delicate and pretty! Hope you got it sorted it out. I do not recall coming across any half finished projects.

Linda said...

Like your found project Astrid. Furbabies are just the best. We're going to have to put one down tomorrow. Makes me very sad.


Magpie's Mumblings said...

I love your lump of furry cuteness - how I miss that now that DH is allergic.

Cathy said...

I used to do a lot of Sweetheart Tree designs, but haven't recently. I do like her designs though. It looks to be a companion stitch for the last one you showed.

I often find things I've forgotten about in my stash. In fact I did that last night. I always take something to stitch to the Angels' games, but couldn't take my current stitch, because the recipient was going to be there and would know immediately that it was for her.

Julie said...

A very nice forgotten project, its lovely

FlashinScissors said...

A lovely project to discover!
Love the piccy of your fur babies ..... ours want a chair each ..... but at a pinch they will grudgingly share a box, tee hee, but only if it’s sunny!
I’m sure you’ll soon finish this sweet make.
Barbara xx

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I'm a fan of The Sweetheart Tree too. I am on top of all my "recent" WIPs, ie the last 10 years but I did find some in the 20 year old bag that I had totally forgotten about earlier this year.

Rachel said...

I see a bit of a bee theme in your stitching recently, are you sneakily preparing for next month's People's Choice SAL or is it simply a coincidence? Whichever, the beehive is lovely, irrespective of the frogging. :)

Katie said...

Beautiful. Yes I've done that before. I get so mad at myself for leaving them so long. Glad to see the cats were nearby at least. Wouldn't want you to get lonely.