Thursday, 9 February 2017

TH Thursday

THinking, THinking, THinking...

THinking THoughts, and being THankful on THursdays.

Who did something nice for you, or for others, this past week?
Nathan was at a birthday party while we were out gallivanting this past Saturday, and this was the goodie bag he received - not for himself, but to give to someone who needs it. I love it!

In case you can't read it, it says - 

"We are the world, we are the children. We are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving."

"Sometimes, because we are kids we feel like we can't help or don't know how to help others. We don't have money and we don't drive. We can help with a blessing bag!" ~ Ana and Zoe

Ana and Zoe have assembled "Blessing Bags" for all of their friends in place of the traditional party favour bags. They have asked that you keep this bag in your car or backback (if traveling in a city). When you see someone in need, please pass along the "Blessing Bag". Inside you will find a number of handy items that might help someone in need get through the day a little easier. Be sure to make more bags with your family once you have given this one out to continue the blessings!

How awesome is this? How many times do you come across someone asking for money or food? I see it in our area and I think this is a wonderful thing to give them. This bag is still in our car, because I would like Nathan to be with me when we hand it out. He "needs" to use a gift card this weekend, so while we're out, I have a feeling we'll be getting some supplies! 
BTW, these precious sisters probably made at least 50 bags since they celebrated their birthdays together - WOW!

Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something. ~ Author Unknown


Maggee said...

What a nice idea... :)

Vickie said...

THAT is very, very cool for children to do! I LOVE it. AWESOME idea!

Katie said...

What an awesome idea! I hope the person who receives it makes a great memory for Nathan. My hubby and son gives me hugs everyday and that really helps me smile and feel loved.

Debbie W. said...

These "blessings bags" have totally made my day! What an inspired idea, and such a lovely lesson for all the party participants. It is SO true, that kids may feel limited in the ways they can help, but this is a concrete way to do just that. It reminds me of a quote that I love: "Mend the part of the world that is within your reach". :)

I am so fortunate in that people do kind things for me all the time; most recently was 5 minutes ago, when my husband took care of our senior dog's food, medication, and grooming needs, which is ordinarily my job in the morning. :)

Penny said...

What a wonderful idea! And I love the quote by the unknown author, too. We can all do something. : )

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

What great idea, so much better than the usual plastic tat you get in a party bag.

Kaisievic said...

That is such an awesome idea - what wonderful girls.

Julie said...

Such a wonderful and loving idea.
A lady at my book group brought a homemade cake this week to the group for us all to celebrate her birthday with her... we sang 'Happy Birthday' and enjoyed a slice of her delicious cake... that was a lovely moment.

deb said...

That's just beautiful.

Barb said...

I love that idea and what a wonderful thing to be "teaching" children.

Sara said...

What a nice idea!

Justine said...

What a wonderful idea, I hope Nathan has a positive experience when he passes this on.

DJ said...

We do this whenever we go to Baltimore to a baseball game. We've also given out gift cards to restaurants so they can get a hot meal and get out of the cold for a while. Now our son does this, he carries things in his car when he travels through Baltimore, he hands things out. What a great thing to teach Nathan! Those sisters are awesome!! Kids learn by example...especially from their peers!!