Monday 24 March 2014

SHINE fm Sharathon

This was my second year helping out at the SHINE fm Sharathon, and once again it didn't disappoint.  This is the Christian radio station I love!

I came for part of the day on Tuesday, most of the day on Wednesday and then after picking up the boys and throwing some food their way, I went back.  

This is us in the phone centre, waiting for calls.  You can see me taking the picture, I'm sitting in the "hot seat", #1 - that's the busiest phone!  I got to meet more amazing people, those who volunteer like me and those who work behind the scenes at the station.  
Being able to answer the phone is truly amazing.  I feel so blessed to speak to fellow listeners and hear their stories.  This year I actually wrote down some of the prayer requests so I could continue to pray for them.
For the first time ever, one lovely woman asked ME what I would like prayer for!  How awesome is that?!
Then there are those who offer what they can - A volunteer offered his time because he's waiting for his job to start, the little sisters who donated $1 and $5, those who couldn't donate but others donated in their honour, how wonderful!

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.  2 Corinthians 9:7.

In addition to answering the phones, some of us were also writing thank you cards/postcards to those who donated.  I get to go back tomorrow to finish that up - yeah!  And here's a special shout out to Vicki and Tina who organised the scheduling for the Sharathon - great job!

Here's the morning crew - Dave, Tracey and Mike, doing their thing.

After the morning show, Mike must be been bored!

Here I am "on the air", NOT!  I was writing cards and took the opportunity to fake it!  Although when my godfather in Britain saw this when I posted it on fb, he thought I'd gotten a new job!  My Dad called me the next morning after receiving an email from him and wanted to know why they weren't told!

Wednesday night, goodnight.

Goodnight Baltimore!

Unfortunately, I could only help out those two days but it continued until Friday.  The best news?  In the last 60 seconds, they reached their goal!  Here's to another year with many more to come.

And now we thank you, our God, and praise your glorious name.  
1 Chronicles 29:13.


Mouse said...

looks like you had a lot of fun helping out :) and glad they reached their goal too :) love mouse xxxx
ps thought that was your normal job when I saw it tooo hehhehe

cucki said...

Lots of fun xxx

Faith... said...

Very nice of you to volunteer your time! I often listen to this station too!

DJ said...

Next year maybe I'll get to help out too!! I'll bet you were great in the #1 seat!! *Hugs*