Well darn it, my Mom ended up in the hospital on Thursday. She had a cough that got worse, so my Dad took her to the doctor and she ended up getting admitted. They thought it was pneumonia, but luckily it wasn't. She did have a high heart rate, so they moved her to the cardiac unit to monitor her. I had already made plans to come to their house with Nathan on Thursday evening so we could watch the Royal Wedding together on Friday morning. We would still be able to see her, just not at their house. Dad & I got up at 4:30am to watch it - so beautiful! When Charles and Diana were married all those years ago, I was actually in Britain visiting with my godparents at the time. I would have loved to have been there for this one too!
We went to visit Mom in the afternoon, where we were entertained by Nathan showing us his Tae Kwon Do, high block!
Saying goodbye to Oma, praying she sleeps better tonight - it's been a rough week for her.
On the way home from the hosptial, we stopped at the Fruit Bowl so I could get a few goodies for Nathan. We had followed a train through Cumberland and here's Nathan watching it go by while waiting for me.
Here's my latest finished Oakhaven SAL. Perfect for my next comment - While in the hospital, the elderly woman in the other bed was sleeping when we got there. Her family came in later, but we had closed the curtains so didn't see them with her. A priest came to pray with them and we heard that they have been married for 65 years! About that time, Nathan was tired of watching his movies and decided it was time to roam the halls. So from going in and out of the door, I saw them together - her in bed and him sitting by her side holding her hand. It was so precious and touching to see the love that they still have after all these years. What a picture that would have made and had even thought about asking if my Dad could take one, but didn't want to seem crazy intrude on them. I figured Nathan was enough, but she did seem to enjoy watching him run about.
For those of you not on facebook, this was the buzz going on -
We went to visit Mom in the afternoon, where we were entertained by Nathan showing us his Tae Kwon Do, high block!

Saying goodbye to Oma, praying she sleeps better tonight - it's been a rough week for her.
On the way home from the hosptial, we stopped at the Fruit Bowl so I could get a few goodies for Nathan. We had followed a train through Cumberland and here's Nathan watching it go by while waiting for me.
Best wishes for your mom! I hope she will get better soon =)
Hope your Mum is soon up and about.
Love the owl SAL. I would like to join in with this one but need more time in the stitching day!
Hi Astrid, sorry to hear that your mum is not well... hope she gets better soon!
Wasn't the wedding lovely? Can't believe how time has flown, I remember Charles and Diana's wedding and remember when William was born and now we have just seen him get married.... boy do I feel old!
All the best to your mum and to you and the family
I pray that your mom is doing well!! Love the name game Lady Emma Jacques of Granada
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