Friday 20 April 2018

Peep Show time! ๐Ÿค

Ready for the PEEP SHOW?!

Nathan was so happy to have his picture taken.

Some critters, I love The Very Hungry Caterpillar!

Something to snack on, deviled chicks!

Floral displays


Some quilt pieces and paintings too.

More characters


The wonderful thing about Tiggers!

Who knew, a PEEP manger!

Go O's!

Our treats, what fun!

My not quite finished attempt at Peeps, the purple one must be on a diet!

Saturday 14 April 2018

Update on Mom ๐Ÿ˜

During part of Nathan's spring break, we went to stay with Dad and visit Mom in rehab. Gman1 came down for the day.
This is standing outside her chapel next to the new statue Dad bought for her.

Always a delight to spend time with Mom's roommate, she was able to room with her again!

Oma's looking great!

Nathan started some stitching.

Dad promised Nathan a fire while we were there. 

So my Mom is doing much better, she may be another month in rehab. She's finally on solid food again, but is alternating with the mush pureed food too. She's doing well with her breathing, but still on oxygen. They are hoping eventually she'll only need it at night. The staff there are all impressed with how hard she pushes herself, and she is now walking down the hallway with her walker, one direction so far. They all LOVE her, awesome!

And finally, the cards... WOW, thank you!!!
I don't post on facebook much, but I did post a request there too about sending cards to my Mom. Here's a breakdown of what she's received.

From growing up - Pam, Sharon, Jonnifer, Paula, Kimmy, Tricia, Sherri

From family - Tammy, Erin, Gerry and Ron, Ruth and Jude, Lucy, Kelly, Jeanie

From friends she knows (but may not remember meeting!) - Margo, Kim, Linda and Phil, DJ, Denise, Donna

From my hometown friends - Lynne, Paula, Debbie, Ginny and Malcolm, Lisa

And from my stitchy friends - Martha, Katie, Faith, Maggee, Penny, Sheryl, Barbara, Claire (Mom met DJ, see above!)

I love the way they are trickling in, thank you so much for the cards and sweet words, Mom is loving them!

This is what she had received when I was there.
The big card came from Lisa and she included confetti (luckily big!) saying Blessings, Happiness, and Smiles.

And this lovely heart was in the card sent by Sheryl! Thank you, Sheryl, she was thrilled and it's hanging in her room.

 Mom enjoying a real cup of coffee, not thickened!

 Dad sent this today, there was a dog show and these cuties were visiting.

All for now, I hope to go back in about 10 days.

Tuesday 3 April 2018

HL score!

I finally made it to Hobby Lobby, and luckily too bad I didn't find more! I saw ones that I would love to get, but they weren't on sale.

I took Nathan later in the week to try again and he found two things he wants to make for his grandmother. She sings, "♪You are my Sunshine" and loves butterflies. He has until July to make them so he needs to get busy!

I'll have to try, try again next week for the ones I didn't get, crossing fingers!
And for those of you not living in the States, take a look here... Hobby Lobby Cross Stitch. If you see something you like, I can always see if it's on sale when I go next week. The sale price doesn't show up on the website, so I won't know if it's on sale until I go.

I'm still waiting on the mojo to show up, maybe starting one of those kits might help?!

Nathan and I are visiting my Mom tomorrow, so I'll update then!