Wednesday 29 November 2017

Thanksgiving weekend fun

The five us took a little trip on Saturday to downtown Frederick, about 40 minutes away.

Leftover Halloween fun?

Window shopping

Strolling along the canal.

The benefit of coming early? Not many people!

The boys liked this one.

Great weather for the ducks.

Fun fall grates.

 The local firehouse.


Lunch at Brewer's Alley.

St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, I believe.

Back to UMBC for Gman1, already looking forward to Christmas holidays!

DH took a break from collecting the leaves to say goodbye.

In stitching news, I'm almost finished with this but still have lots more I'd like to do.

And it's almost time for this guy (Spike) to visit our house. I think he's going to be busy this year!

Friday 24 November 2017

TH Thursday... Friday edition

THinking, THinking, THinking...

THinking THoughts, and being THankful on THursdays.

Thanksgiving, time with family and friends. Wishing I could be with my brothers, but happy that I was able to talk to them. Thankful for my chosen sisters that were able to join us and missing those who couldn't.
In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit. ~ Albert Schweitzer

Nathan's take on being thankful.

Of course I'm thankful for this guy!

And these three!

No explanation needed...

I hope your Thanksgiving, or Thursday, was special and memorable.

Wednesday 22 November 2017

I'm not a turkey... 🩃

It's that fun time of year again, 1st graders getting creative with turkeys!

The start of it all, Nathan in 1st grade.

 I am not a turkey, I am a beautiful ballerina. I love to dance and twirl on the stage. I can plie and arabesque. I love dressing in my favorite pink tutu. I love when people smile because of my dancing.

 I am not a turkey, I am an elf. I help Santa make toys for the good boys and girls. My favorite job is feeding the turkey. No... I mean Santa's reindeer. They love to eat Christmas cookies.

 I am Princess Buttercup. I wear a red dress. I have long blonde hair. My home is a castle, not a barn. Please don't eat me, I am not a turkey.

 I am an army man, I am fighting for our freedom. If you think I am a turkey you are wrong.

I am not a turkey, I am a robot. If you cook me, it will probably cause a fire. And if you taste me, you will crack a tooth or swallow me. I have thirty six controls inside me. You might die if you eat a piece of me. I have "ball launch" just if you don't listen to me and eat me. My name is Ale.

 I am not a turkey. I am an astronaut! I fly in space. I chase space turkeys. Oops, I chase space people!

 I am not a turkey. I am Santa Claus. I give good girls and boys toys from my sleigh. I also fill the stockings with candy.

Hi, I am Spider Man. My friends call me Spidey. I sling my webs to save other turkeys. Oops, I mean people! I have many enemies. Don't tell them where I am.

I am not a turkey. I am a pumpkin. Those are not my feet, they are dirt. Please do not eat turkey or pumpkin. We are your friends.

I am not a turkey I am a rainbow mermaid named Lucita! You can see all my beautiful scales on my lovely mermaid tail. I love swimming in the ocean with all my friends and playing sharks and minnows.

My name is Turkachu, oops I mean Pikachu. I live in a pokeball. I like battling. I evolve into Raichu.

I am not a turkey. Turkeys have not evolved yet. It is 65 million years until the first Thanksgiving. Wait, what is Thanksgiving? What is a turkey?

 I am not a turkey. I am Santa Claus. I put toys down the chimney for all the turkeys. Oops, I mean children.

I have so much equipment on! Look at my hockey stick, helmet, and gloves. I am a hockey player. I can skate very well.

I am not a turkey. I am a silly Chameleon and I change colors and I can do a fun dance. When you try to eat me I will spray colors on you and you will not be able to change back. Please do not eat me. Please find something else to eat.

I am not a turkey. I am a snowman. They should not eat turkey, they should eat just sushi instead. The snowman should eat sushi and you should too! I love Thanksgiving and all my friends are turkies. Please eat sushi for Thanksgiving.

I am Spiderman. Do not eat me because I will put spiders on you.

 I am not a turkey. I am a snowman. Look at my button nose and my warm scarf. I stay outside all day playing with the kids. I have a big carrot nose and a small black hat. You can not eat me because I am frozen.

 I am Mrs. C. I save the turkeys because I don't like turkeys being eaten because I am a super teacher. I just like every one of the turkeys but not humans. They eat turkeys. Turkeys are nice so you can't eat Mrs. C too!

I'm not a turkey. I'm a clown but don't eat me because I'll taste funny.

I am not a turkey. I am Darth Vader. You should run away from me because I'm on the dark side. 

Hi, my name is Mia. I am a witch. I am not a turkey. I like to fly around on my broom. Look at my pretty beak, I mean boots.

 I am not a turkey. I am a King. Look at my golden crown. My turkeys serve me all day. Oops... I mean people serve me all day! That's me, King. 

Hi, my name is Santa. I fly around on Christmas Eve and bring other turkeys presents. Oops, I mean people! I love the way my boots sparkle.

I am not a turkey! I am Justin Tucker! I am a football player who is a kicker for the Baltimore Ravens. 

My name is Sponge Bob. I live in a pineapple under the sea. I am not a turkey! I am made out of sponge, I taste like salt water. Please don't eat me. 

I am not a turkey. I am a unicorn. Look at my colorful fur. I spread magic around and love. Now, let me hang out with my fellow turkeys. Oops... I mean unicorns. 

You shall not eat me. I am a majestic unicorn. I do not have feathers. I gallop and play all day. 

My turkey is a colorful astronaut. He flies around the universe.

 I am not a turkey, I am the real Uma. I do not have feathers, I have hair. I wear a dress. Look at my pirate crew.

I am not a turkey. I am the Easter Bunny. I should not be eaten because I give you toys and candy. I am fluffy like a stuffed animal. I hold my basket of eggs.

 I like Super Girl because she is very beautiful and she saves people. You can't eat me because I am Super Girl and can fly away far.

 Look at me! I am not a turkey! I am an expert ninja. Do not try to find me before Thanksgiving! If you try you will fail. I am silent when fighting.

You should not eat me! I am a superhero! I do not have a beak. I have big muscles. I help people. I can fly on buildings. 

 I may be shaped like a turkey, but I am not a turkey. I save people's lives. I have different feet.

I am not a turkey. I am a ninja. I am quick and I am hard to spot. I am quiet but turkeys are loud. I never make a sound. 

I am a ballerina. I dance all day entertaining other turkeys. I mean people! Come watch me dance at the big show. 

I am not a turkey. I am Santa Claus. I wear a red jacket and pants with a black buckled belt and a matching hot and black boots. I have a very long beard. 

I am not a turkey. I am a Ballerina. I spend my day dancing. I have Spiderman legs. I have a tiara and dress. I work at Chic-fil-a and McDonalds. 

This is not a turkey. It is my penguin. Do not eat it for Thanksgiving. It is too cold to eat because it lives in Antarctica. You will freeze there.

I am not a turkey. I am a soccer player. See me kick the ball to other turkeys, I mean people. It is fun to be a turkey, I mean a person.

I am not a turkey. I am a ninja. I can jump off of walls. I like to help people be safe. On Thanksgiving I will project turkeys. 

I am a rainbow turkey. I like cheese. I am eating cheese right now. I have rainbows on my neck and in my eyes. I bet you don't. 

I am not a turkey. I am a clown. Don't you see my puffy wig and silly clown suit? Please don't eat me. My job is to make people smile. 

I am not a turkey. I am a vampire. My name is Dracula. Look at my fangs. I fly in the sky like a bat. If you try to eat me I'll fly away. 

Please do not eat me. This is Officer Joe. He keeps us safe and puts bad guys in jail. He also gets to wear a badge.

It seems like Santa was pretty popular this year, so you'd better behave!
Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating and if you're not, I hope you still get to spend time with family and friends making memories.