Tuesday 30 May 2017

Cleaning up and Having Fun!

Ah, the fun of organizing, again... NOT!!!

Is there such a thing as too many crafts? The Horrors! đŸ˜±
DH calls this my "crap" room, how rude.

But hey, look what I found hiding under a box! I've been looking for this for quite a while. Now I just need to sit down and try to create something.

I moved all my books, mainly Stephen King, to be put in another bookshelf when the room is ready.
These are my stitching books, and unfortunately, they only fit this way.

A little neater, for now. I've already rearranged, I'm sure it won't be the last time! I also had to label some of the bins, I keep forgetting what's in them. 

So this happened 22 years ago.

At the chapel where it became official.

A little dancing by the fire that evening to celebrate, our wedding song - Boyz II Men ~ I Swear.

I finally got to meet this chick pea - isn't she precious?!

And here's her Mommy, my stitching buddy!

Her son is Nathan's best bud and they're moving soon so we got to have him over. Since they were in Scouts together, he joined up with the troop and placed flags for Memorial Day at the cemetery near us.

This is also where DH's father is buried. I planted that bush many years ago and it needs to be transplanted and replaced, you can't even see his first name anymore!

When they came to pick him up, Miss Celia got to meet Ming. I know that given time, they would have been best friends!

Here are the Gmen ready to head out for the college version of Habitat for Humanity. They have a good time helping out every year, it's a great program.

And in stitchy news, I'm still working on this. As I was finishing up the bottom row, I realized I made a mistake the whole way across. Frogs don't belong in the ocean!

Thursday 25 May 2017

TH Thursday

THinking, THinking, THinking...

THinking THoughts, and being THankful on THursdays.

Another three things that I am thankful for today...
1 ~ Having my three boys home!
2 ~ Enjoying a two lemon/poppy seed muffins this morning for breakfast, made by Gman1.
3 ~ Not losing power when the storm came through our area.

And you?

Saturday 20 May 2017

A Fun Prayer Box

I wanted to make something special for Shana, and a little bird told me she likes cupcakes...
so this is what I came up with.

It was honestly super easy!

I had to cut the index cards to fit, she has a variety of colours in there.

I Mod Podged the bottom of it with paper.

And here it is completed.
She loved it, so that made me happy!

I've already bought two more Altoids tins to make for Nathan's teachers. I need to get on the ball with them, school's out June 9th! đŸ˜Č

Friday 19 May 2017

TH Thursday

THinking, THinking, THinking...

THinking THoughts, and being THankful on THursdays.

Today I am thankful for my friends.

Friends that I may not get to talk to or see very often, but I know are always there for me and vice versa.

Friends that you can talk to about anything and don't judge you.

Friends that support you and encourage you.

Friends that ask questions and make you think about yourself and life in general.

Friends that come back into your life and sometimes, sadly, those that don't.

Friends that are acquaintances, but turn into so much more.

And a best friend that you marry and go through good times and bad times with. Who you would never intentionally hurt and only want the best for.

I know this is a little off, but please pray for a family that we know - The parents (around our age) both died tragically with no indication of anything wrong. Leaving behind three teenage boys to carry on without them. It's a situation I can't grasp and my heart just hurts for this family.

Wednesday 17 May 2017

St. Michaels getaway

It's that time of year, stitching at St. Michaels!
I got there early, so I took a drive further down to Tilghman Island to see what it was all about.

 On my way back, I stopped in here to get a sandwich for dinner. Totally adorable country store! And the owner is originally from Catonsville, where The Stitching Post is! He loves living here.

The bridge

Thursday nights lights

 Our stitching view

It finally stopped raining on Friday.

Feeding the family?

Dang it, more rain.

And now for the stitchy stuff...

We participated in a Halloween exchange and these were the goodies everyone made.

This is what I randomly chose - perfect for my Trick or Treat Fairy!

This is the cube I made - from a publication in 1982!

In the white elephant, I was lucky enough to keep this as no one stole it. Now to find time to stitch it.

We didn't officially do goody bags, but some of us did a little something. I made the scissor fobs to match our Halloween theme.

My mermaid progression.

I took a break from here and picked up Emerald Mermaid.
I'm still not happy about her skin, I should have done it over one. But since it's for me, I'm going to try and not worry about it.

The stitching table

Us girls taking a break from stitching.
They all really "loved" the stork, so I had to include her!

Until next year...

Thursday 11 May 2017

TH Thursday

THinking, THinking, THinking...

THinking THoughts, and being THankful on THursdays.

Quick, what three things are you thankful for today?!

1 ~ Arriving safely, in spite of the rain, to my stitching destination with friends.
2 ~ Laughing, talking, stitching with those friends, and having two more join us tomorrow!
3 ~ Having a warm place to sleep on this chilly, wet night, and having DJ with me!

And you?

Sunday 7 May 2017

A birthday cube!

I started this at the beginning of the month for a gf getting ready to turn that magic number... 50!

Ready to make the cube.
**Update** The perfect fabric is what Ariadne sent me from the Easter exchange!

I ended up buying more ruffle ribbon in numerous colours since I like the way it looks with the cube.
Thanks to Lynn @ Happiness is Cross Stitching for the design!

Happy 50th, Lisa!

Lending our support for turning 50!

I'll be joining her next month, time to plan a party!

Thursday 4 May 2017

TH Thursday

THinking, THinking, THinking...

THinking THoughts, and being THankful on THursdays.

When was the last time someone said "Thank You" to YOU?
Last Saturday!
Tina invited me to River Valley Ranch to zip line as a thank you for volunteering at SHINE-FM's Sharathon. And Nathan was invited too!

We went in the Ninja Barn first, where Nathan got to climb around!

Under the Ninja Barn is a mini golf area, Nathan had fun playing there too.

Now he's ready for the big stuff - his 1st zip line!

We're both ready!

We need to go up waaay up there... let's hike!

🎜Over the river ♫ and through the ♬ woods...🎝

He was so brave, he didn't even want me to go next to him!

And here he goes...

I still don't like heights, but I had a great time going down. Maybe I'm getting over my fear!

Here's the rest of the group waiting to come down.

And fabulous Tina in the middle, flying in!

From there we took a look at the horse barn and horses.

We also had a fantastic lunch, made by Diana and her crew. Unfortunately I didn't take any photos, I was too busy eating!

This is Frontier Town, for the teens.

Short visit for Nathan!

Now this next part was pretty emotional for me, but in a good way. I still get teary eyed thinking about it.
This is Fort Roller, the overnight camp for 9-12 year olds.

The sign and forts were not here 38 years ago.

How do I know that? Because I was here 38 years ago.
But I didn't realize it until last year's Sharathon. Hearing others speak about it I wondered if this was the camp that my neighbours took me to one summer.

This is Sherry and Lloyd and they were like my other parents. I was friends with their son, Nathan, (no wonder I like that name!) who was three years younger than me, he was like another brother.
I showed this picture to Tina and she confirmed it was taken at RVR.
What a wonderful feeling it was, knowing that I had been there when I was twelve!

This is looking up toward were we ate and had gatherings. It's being renovated and it looks great.

 This was the cabin I remember being in.

I also remember this being the area I was in.

This was Nathan's cabin.

I always thought this picture was taken outside my cabin, but turns out it was Nathan's.
So sad, but Lloyd died in 2004, he was a great man and a wonderful father.

We sort of recreated the picture, just with my Nathan!

What can I say, Tina, thank you for thanking me and bringing back memories from younger me. I wish I could remember more, but I do remember having such a wonderful time there that I didn't want to come home! If only my parents had come to pick us up, I might have been able to talk them into letting me stay longer.
And what makes me happy? Now Nathan wants to go! He might go this year, but definitely next year. I only wish I could go with him, I would love to be a kid again and have carefree fun!
I love that this is a Christian based camp and even though I don't remember much from when I was there, I will make sure Nathan does!

Now I cheated with this picture because I forgot to get one of us together while we were there. This was taken at last year's Sharathon.

How has someone thanked you?