Friday, 31 May 2019

Friday's Stitching Ground 🍻

This Friday brings me to the Brookeville Brew Farm. Again with three of my four "boys", but this time with Gman1!
I needed something small to bring and found this hiding in my craft room. I started it a while ago, but thought I would finally finish it to give to my Dad for Father's Day.
It's a Zweigart Ship in a Bottle that I got on sale at Hobby Lobby last year.

Gman1's turn to have fun... legally!
Gman2 is with the college youth group for Habitat for Humanity. We'll have to make it a full family outing soon.

As I started my second beverage, the stitching was put aside - no frogs allowed!

Oh my, drink #3, and my last.
The four of us played BS together, or at Nathan's school, aka Baloney Sandwich! 


Clare-Aimetu said...

Looks like you all had fun, certainly best to put your stitching away although I'm looking forward to seeing it

Cathy said...

Looks like a fun day, and that's a cute stitching project!

Linda said...

Looks like another fun outing Astrid. But your suppose to stitch and not drink beer. lol


Barb said...

Looks like lots of fun to me!

diamondc said...

Astrid: I bet you had a blast, I am not sure what BS game you were playing but it sounds like you had a wonderful time.
The little guy looks so serious with the cards, giggles.


Rachel said...

It seems to me that you're finding a lot of excuses to drink beer! Glad your stitching didn't suffer from your tipsy eyesight though!! :)

Faith... said...

I think Nathan is patiently waiting until he turns 21 so he can get a beer too! Ship in a Bottle is a nice piece! Is Baloney Sandwich a game?

Julie said...

Ship in a bottle will be the perfect gift for dad.

Katie said...

Another fun outing to the brewery. I of course love the pattern you are working on. Cute!!!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

That's a great little pattern for your Dad. I knew Katie would like it too!

Bethan said...

Looks like a lovely outing, and a nice piece for your dad x