Friday, 31 May 2019

Scavenger Photo Hunt, May πŸ“·

Here we go for May, Katie's I live, I love, I craft, I am me ... scavenger photo hunt this month!

The words for May are...

Today was a beautiful day for walk, although we had to make a detour since the path we wanted to take was closed - maybe from all the rain and trees down? Anyway, this was a perfect little resting "seat" on our adventure.

View from Said Seat
I tried the panoramic mode, but it looked much better than this!

I tried this for the first time and LOVED it! Now I don't feel bad for eating pizza.

Starts with P...
These are our two adorable Tonkinese cats, Ming and Maximus. Spoiled rotten and love to snuggle with each other, and our family.

Handy, dandy shoes for walking today!

Would this be considered transport too? Our friend brought over his drone to take photos of our house and check the roof/gutters.

My Own Choice
This was my view walking the soccer fields while waiting for a Scout meeting to be over. Such beautiful colours!

See you next month!


Julie said...

Stunning view from your seat, WOW!
Love the sunset
Never seen a cauliflower base pizza, that sounds interesting.
Great choices Astrid x

Tigermouse said...

I love the sunset but my favourite just has to be the snuggly cats, they look adorable :)

Vickie said...

I have wondered if the cauliflower pizza is good. Not sure I can convince my crew to eat it!! Love the picture of Maximus and Ming. I would love to get another poodle for Henry to snuggle with again.

Threads through my life said...

What's there not to like in your photo selection? I agree with Julie's comments. The sunset and cats are wonderful. I also liked your socks! If I'm forced to pick a favourite it would be the view from the seat.

kjsutcliffe said...

You made me smile with your transport - very clever out of the box thinking! Lovely photos and stories, thank you for sharing x

Linda said...

Great pictures for all of the prompts Astrid. I love the picture of Ming and Maximus. Even that pizza looks good. Is that Oprha's pizza?


Rachel said...

Beautiful pictures. Your cats are so adorable. How on earth do you get anything done when they are around?! :)

Fil said...

I love that seat and view and your two cats - so so so cute :)

Katie said...

Beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing.

Jak said...

So glad to find another Tonkonese person. So many people are not aware of the breed. Our Thai and Shan were inseparable and so naughty. They loved sleeping on top of the curtains! Sadly Shan was taken by a python - and Thai was inconsolable. She searched and called for her sister. We moved house but she kept returning to where her sister had been. Eventually the new occupants adopted her. Very sad. So the picture of your Tonks, Ming and Maximus, has to be my favourite though the other pictures are fantastic too.

Rosie said...

Lovely photos An unusual seat with a lovely view. I love cauliflower so would I'm sure like the pizza. Great idea for transport. The sky in your last photos is wonderful but my favourite has to be your beautiful cats:)

Sheryl said...

I love seeing these scavenger hunt photos - wonderful last photo colours and the cuddly cats.

Bethan said...

What a fun idea. I love the shot of the sunset - such beautiful colours x