Friday, 24 May 2019

Friday's Stitching Ground 🍻 and some weather 🌪

Today's stitching ground brought me to Elder Pine Brewing for a drink with three of my four "boys", where I was stitching a special something for someone and sipping on a Tropic Chaser, very tasty!

Gman2 was finally able to partake in a tasting, a belated birthday outing!

In other big news, we had a EF-1 tornado in our area yesterday! That certainly doesn't happen very often around here.
COLUMBIA, MD — A line of storms that originated near the Blue Ridge Mountains spawned an EF-1 tornado Thursday in Howard County. The storm traveled a path of about 5.5 miles, from Clarksville to Columbia, according to the National Weather Service. At maximum speed, winds were 95 mph.
The tornado made its way through Howard County from 3:27 to 3:36 p.m. on Thursday, May 23, weather officials reported Friday. At its peak width, the rotating column of air was about 150 yards.
One person injured in the tornado was believed to have suffered non-life-threatening injuries, according to the Howard County Department of Fire and Rescue Services.
The weather event was classified as an EF-1 tornado. Tornadoes are rated on a scale from 0 to 5. During an EF-1 tornado, gusts are between 86 and 100 mph in the area where damage occurs.
Here is what a survey of the storm damage and radar indicated, according to the National Weather Service:
  • At the intersection of Brighton Dam Road and MD 108 in Clarksville, trees were uprooted, large branches were pulled toward one another and trees fell in all directions except to the west.
  • An eyewitness in the area of Cedar Lane around Corina Court said the tornado knocked down trees and resulted in swirling debris. Most trees were uprooted, and a few were snapped, including both hardwood and softwood. One tree fell onto a house.
  • Large trees were uprooted and a couple of trees snapped, falling to the north, along Shaker Drive between Seneca Farm Road and Wayover Way.
  • The most significant damage was found near the 9400 block of Patuxent Woods Drive, according to the weather service. A grove of hardwood and softwood trees snapped at mid-trunk and fell haphazardly. The roof of a nearby office building was also partly taken off and blown to the east. "It is likely that this was due to straight-line winds as radar analysis showed the tornado vortex broadening rapidly," the weather service reported.

Savage and Highland also experienced "significant wind damage," according to the National Weather Service.
So even though some of this was literally just down the road from us, we only had the darkness, rain, and some wind. I don't think we had one branch come down anywhere in our yard. We did lose power for about five hours, and Nathan got held in school until it was over.
While we were out today, one direction had no damage, but the other direction in Highland and Columbia had trees and branches down all over the place! We were so lucky it totally missed us.
So how's your spring weather been?


Linda said...

You sure have the darn bestest places to stitch Astrid. Sure glad the tornado missed you.


FlashinScissors said...

Great place to stitch!
Glad to hear you survived the tornado. Do you get many?
Barbara xx

Barb said...

I am envious, I happen to really like beer. More seriously, I am so glad you were spared that tornado. We have very calm weather in the NW. Our biggest worry for serious damage is an earthquake. They say we are long over due for a big one. So weather is not my concern at least for us. But I do worry about the big one!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

We had a hurricane once. That was probably the most exciting extreme weather we have had. Back in 1987!
Hope you didn't stitch drunk!

Julie said...

Certainly a variety of colours in the tasting for GMan.
We had a small earthquake about 10 years ago during the night, DD was really scared but DS didn't wake at all.

Katie said...

The brewery looks fun. I bet Gman was glad to participate. Wow. Tornadoes can be so scary. We've had crazy weather. It won't stop raining. Poor Fred just can't get the yard mowed and it looks horrible. But I've heard everyone complaining about the same thing. We've had tornadoes warnings several days in a row too. One hit right by our cabin yesterday. No damage though. So thankful for that.

Faith... said...

That is a lot of glasses for #2 to taste! I know nothing about tastings but wondered do you have to rinse in between each one so the flavors don't all start tasting the same? I hope he enjoyed it.

Glad the tornado didn't do to much damage and only one person was hurt. Seems like there have been quite a few tornados recently and the devastation on tv looked horrible!

diamondc said...

So sorry to hear about the bad weather, I hope everything is back to normal soon.
We have a Brew House here in our small town of less then 2500 people, it is always busy.
Happy Birthday to Gman2.


Rachel said...

Scary. As Jo said, we had a hurricane once in the UK. But this year especially we seem to be hearing about more US tornadoes than usual. Glad you were all safe. :)

Cathy said...

I would never have thought of stitching at a Brewery. I'm glad the tornado didn't do any damage to your place and that you got through it without incident.