Wednesday, 5 June 2019

The People Chose 🧜‍♀️

Hmm, this sort of looks like drowning people looking for help! I'm sure the mermaids are there to save them.
For more mermaids, head over to see Jo @ Serendipitous Stitching. 

Are you ready for mine? I've got plenty to share with you.
This beauty is in my craft room side window, I love her!

Mermaids hanging out.

I think I need a bigger display area.

And now for the stitching!
Gifts from friends, DJ made me the one on the left and the bottom, and Vickie on the right. Aren't they all wonderful?!

A collection of patterns I have yet to stitch.

More treasures to stitch.

And more.

And then I remembered these!

This is one I made years ago for my sister-in-law, she loves mermaids too. Of course they all needed to be blonds!
My other sister-in-law also loves them, so I'd like to make one for her and her girls, all three brunettes.

Stitching accessories.

I'm still working on Sirena.

Emerald Mermaid, another one I need to finish.
This is one I stitched over two, but then decided the skin should be over one so I started to change it. OMGoodness, what a PITA! Have you done, or ever seen, just the face done over one?

I did finish this one, except I still need to place the shells. But that means I need to find my safe hiding place for them!

I just realised that I have two of these, is anyone interested in a give-a-way? Let me know in the comments, I'll pick a winner in a week.

I'm afraid to look at the other blogs, I'm sure I'll find something I don't have and will probably want!

Next month - Finishing


diamondc said...

Astrid: I love all your Mermaids but the thread keeper Mermaid is my favorite, thank-you for sharing.
Such a cute photo of the girls.


Rachel said...

Hmmm, I get the tiniest of inklings you like mermaids then?!! You've stitched some lovely pieces and I giggled at how your stash pile went on.. and on... and on! Did I even spot a mermaid beer bottle in your display? What an excuse to try out a beer! :)

Katie said...

I couldn't wait for you to post. I knew you were a fellow mermaid lover. Love all your beauties. I'm the same way. A lot in my stash waiting.

Julie said...

Just let me get the calculator LOL
I bet you've got the most of all who post!
That's a whole lot of merfolk living at your home. The window is stunning.

Vickie said...

Wow, wow, wow!!!! What a collection! Fantastic! I can't wait til you stitch up that Mermaid Berry!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Thanks for taking part in The People's Choice this month with your amazing collection of mermaids. I'm sorry the people are drowning, at least mermaids will save them and not be like Sirens!

I love the Mermaid Tail threadholder, what a clever idea. I think my favourite design is the silhouette Ocean Treasure, I would have so much fun choosing fabric and thread.

But honestly, what kind of masochist chooses to do a mermaid's skin over one?

Linda said...

I knew you would have tons of mermaids Astrid. Wonderful displays and stash. I would love to be entered for the chart


Sheryl said...

Goodness, what a marvellous collection you have and lots of patterns to keep you busy. I love the first gorgeous example in your craft room, the different interesting displays and lovely Emerald Mermaid.

Bethan said...

I am getting the vague impression you like mermaids? Haha! I love your window - is this something that was already in your house or did you add it? x

Pamela said...

You have quite a collection of mermaids. Very nice!