Friday, 27 March 2020

Scavenger Photo Hunt, March πŸ“·

It's already near the end of March, and what a crazy month it's been. So let's have some fun, it's time for Katie's I live, I love, I craft, I am me ... scavenger photo hunt this month.

The words for March are...

I couldn't choose between the two so you get both.
The Gmen icing my birthday cake, many moons ago.

Happy 4th Birthday to our sweet Nathan, he loved Spongebob! (Only nine years ago!)

This caterpillar got jazzed up to become a Saddleback Caterpillar. We saw him on our fence one afternoon. Thank goodness we didn't touch him, it would have been quite painful!

Visiting New York City with the family several years ago, I like how the police officers are in front of the flag.

These trio of hawks have had a nest along our driveway for two years now. Not quite sure why there's three of them, maybe grandma's been helping out?!

I know you can't see it very well, but Nathan is napping on a Welsh Dragon cushion.

My Own Choice
I chose to find beauty this week during our walks.

I hope you can find your joy during this time, look for the small things.


Threads through my life said...

What great photos (as usual). I agree with you on looking for the small things that make you happy. That's what I'm doing and so far it is working! I really liked your set of own choice photos but my favourite has to be the jazzy caterpillar; looks nasty! Slightly envious of your hawks!

kjsutcliffe said...

Excellent photos, thank you for joining in. We are also treasuring the small things - makes you realise what is and isn't important. Stay safe x

Susan Smith said...

Glad you joined in too & nice seeing pics from other countries, especially in these hard times. Oh my, that caterpillar is awesome!!! My favourites would have to be the birds & beautiful Spring flowers. We are heading into autumn(fall), so not much for a while in the way of pretty flowers. We need people like Kate to keep us motivated each month. Take care, stay safe & virtual hugs from down under.

Fil said...

Oh my! That caterpillar is fabulous ... and the boys icing your birthday cake is priceless - made me smile. Isn't it lovely seeing Nature getting on with things. Stay safe ...

Julie said...

Three hawks, that's a lovely one
Simple things helping us all stay calm right now.

La Papillon Bleu said...

Thank you, I love all your gorgeous spring photos they are such an uplifting sight.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

That caterpillar is amazing - never seen one like that here. And I love the hawks - and the flowers are such an encouragement to know that spring will come And yes, we all need to look for the small things during these times.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Lovely photos, especially your adorable boys. That caterpillar is amazing!

Jak said...

Lovely photos, so full of hope of spring and possibly happier times to come. The cake icing picture is fantastic as is the cushion being shared by Woody but perhaps my favourite is your caterpillar. Love his jazzy coat! Keep safe and continue enjoying the small things around us.

Bethan said...

Such great photos. That caterpillar is so interesting! x

Katie said...

Great photos. Thanks for sharing!

Rachel said...

A lovely selection of photos there. Cherry blossom is gorgeous, but why can't it last for more than a few days? :)