Saturday, 14 March 2020

Friday's Stitching Ground 😸

Tonight I got my support team back, helping me with The Haunted Mansion.

Frankenstein is done, but I made him just a bit taller with his shoes and his neck. And the doctor is headless at the moment! I think I might need to outline his lab coat, it's too close in colour to the fabric.

Nathan is not impressed by me taking his photo. But doesn't he look cute using my pink mermaid blanket?!

Last Sunday was the Italian dinner with the youth group at church and all the boys helped out. Good thing it wasn't this weekend, it would have been cancelled!

This week was Ming's 14th birthday, I let her use my special glass for it. She still acts like a kitten sometimes, running around the house like crazy.

And of course Maximus had to check it out, he might be missing something!

On an entirely different note, how are you dealing with this Coronavirus? The Gmen had their spring breaks start early (Gman1) and extended (Gman2). Nathan now has two weeks with no school, but they have set up Google Classrooms and he has assignments. All school activities have been cancelled and no baseball until the end of the month. Of course this could all be extended, we'll just have to see.
I went to the store today to get a few things and it was like we were expecting a huge snow storm! Weird things gone - bananas, potatoes, onions, most of the pasta but plenty of sauce, a lot of canned veggies, and I didn't even bother to look at the tp since we have enough.
So it's elbow touches for a while, which is really hard for me because I'm a big hugger! At least I know my hands are clean, perfect for stitching. I hope you are all doing well and have plenty of stash to keep you busy!


Rachel said...

Important thing first - happy 14th birthday Ming! When does Maximus celebrate his?
Love how Haunted Mansion is coming along (particularly the bubbling bottles on the lab table) with the additional changes. :)

butterfly said...

Lovely post , your stitching looks fab.
You have a lovely family .
Stay safe we are still going out as normal but things are starting to change so must get ready to stay inside soon and shop on line .

Mary said...

It took me awhile to find the "good doctor" so I agree, backstitching his lab coat will help. The house is looking great!! Nathan looks so cute snuggled in his Mermaid blanket!! You can tell they are all brothers!!
My cat snuggles in my lap or right next to me when I stitch. They are such good company.
No group activities here, schools are closing and even my library is closed for a month, that really hurts as I don't have tv and I was going to pick up some movies to watch. I'll certainly be getting spring cleaning and more stitching done.

Bethan said...

Happy birthday to Ming! Nice to see them both joining you stitching again! Currently, my work place is still open but we have to take our laptops home everyday in case we have to work from home. My husband's school has used google classroom for a couple of years, but they are getting ready to put lessons on there if the schools close. Food shopping is interesting - if you want fresh fruit and veg and meat, you are fine (unless it's mince or chicken). Frozen veg, pasta and toilet rolls are the issue! x

Katie said...

Love your stitching. Keep it up. Happy Birthday Ming. Love the photo of Nathan you can threaten to show his wife some day. I know my family has a ton of horrible photos of me haha. This virus is scary but people are sure making it worse with the hoarding. Stay healthy.

Linda said...

Nice progress and still love your helpers Astrid. I'm staying home.


Julie said...

I think we are all taking things one day at a time all over the world at the moment.
It did make me giggle to see Nathan in the pink blanket, at least he was nice and cosy warm.
Take care xx

Clare-Aimetu said...

Always fun to see your helpers, I do like your Haunted House. I don't think any of us know what it best or what to do just now.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I do like that you made the Monster taller and agree, the Doctor could do with outlining.
Happy Birthday to Ming!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I wish I could have furry helpers too, but DH is very allergic now so can't have them any more. Common sense is the order of the day and wait for whatever comes our way. Stay safe and well!

Ann C. said...

Until I read “headless” I didn’t even see the doctor’s coat (very light colour). I agree, you will need to outline it. Nice to see your stitching partners back in the photos. Nathan looks very macho in the pink mermaid blanket.

Cathy said...

Happy Birthday, Ming! Your mansion is coming along nicely and I agree, the doctor's coat does need backstitching. As to the Corona Virus, I'm staying home because of my risk factors, but most of my meetings, etc. have been cancelled anyway. My daughter has been doing my shopping and prescription pickup so I haven't actually seen the stores.

Faith... said...

Happy Birthday to Ming! I hope she had a good day celebrating! The Haunted Mansion is looking good but I think the coats look pretty good as they are. The stores here have lots of empty shelves as people are acting crazy. Here they are stocking up on paper goods and I wonder why? Wouldn't you need food first? Oh well; to each their own.