Saturday, 28 March 2020

Friday's Stitching Ground 🎹

Tonight I was watching for KING AND COUNTRY's facebook live concert while doing a little stitching. Another hidden piece you'll have to wait for.

It was only about 35 minutes, but I loved it! They had the band in their own homes and played...


Earlier in the afternoon it was yard work after my walk, we only got a tiny bit done though. DH said he needs a new tractor, oh boy.

And some more beauty, in our unkempt garden.

As we've been walking every day, I've noticed more and more people outside doing yard work, with lots of mulch! We haven't gotten that far yet, but I know it's coming. If we're home I figure we might as well get busy, outside and most definitely inside!
Have you found things to keep you busy if you're at home, besides work if you're able to?

Friday, 27 March 2020

Scavenger Photo Hunt, March 📷

It's already near the end of March, and what a crazy month it's been. So let's have some fun, it's time for Katie's I live, I love, I craft, I am me ... scavenger photo hunt this month.

The words for March are...

I couldn't choose between the two so you get both.
The Gmen icing my birthday cake, many moons ago.

Happy 4th Birthday to our sweet Nathan, he loved Spongebob! (Only nine years ago!)

This caterpillar got jazzed up to become a Saddleback Caterpillar. We saw him on our fence one afternoon. Thank goodness we didn't touch him, it would have been quite painful!

Visiting New York City with the family several years ago, I like how the police officers are in front of the flag.

These trio of hawks have had a nest along our driveway for two years now. Not quite sure why there's three of them, maybe grandma's been helping out?!

I know you can't see it very well, but Nathan is napping on a Welsh Dragon cushion.

My Own Choice
I chose to find beauty this week during our walks.

I hope you can find your joy during this time, look for the small things.

Thursday, 26 March 2020

Coming live... for KING & COUNTRY 🎶

Thank you for those who commented yesterday regarding my parents, and those who are maybe saying silent thoughts and prayers. So far she's doing okay at home, and has a nurse and a therapist coming to see her tomorrow.

So for some JOY (remember last week's post?)
here's another video of the song, but this time with lyrics.

Friday evening, they will be live from the SHINE-FM facebook page at 8pm (my time)... check it out here for KING AND COUNTRY

I'm hoping it will be added to YouTube so you can see it there if you are unable to do so live.
I have no idea what to expect, but I'm looking forward to it!

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Unfortunate Timing 😢

In the early hours Saturday morning, my Mom was taken to the ER and then admitted to the High Level Care Unit. Long story short, she has pneumonia, again. 
The only plus side to this is that as of right now, there are no known cases of the Coronavirus in their area and the hospital was pretty empty. I'm not quite sure why, but she was discharged yesterday although she should have stayed longer. I don't know if they're getting the hospital ready for an entourage of patients or maybe a thorough cleaning? Nevertheless, she's home and had a nurse visit today and she's doing ok. 
Can you please keep her and my Dad in your thoughts and prayers? She has no immune system to fight anything off and Dad has to stay well to take care of her!
I'm very grateful we can still "see" each other to talk, because who knows how long it will be before we can visit them again.
Addie was very happy to have her Momma home again!

And as for you, where are your piggies?!

Continue to be safe and smart in your neck of the woods - stay home and stitch, sew, craft, bake, or whatever makes you happy!

Saturday, 21 March 2020

Friday's Stitching Ground 🧟‍♂️

Today I was actually stitching something else, but I can't show it yet! But tonight I thought I would start adding to the outside of the house.

I did finish Dr. Frankenstein and his monster this week, I like how he turned out.

This evening I'm enjoying this tasty treat, good thing we have another kind of stash here!

This week I've been walking every day with Nathan and his friend, M - they are our one family that we are associating with during this time. It keeps the boys busy outside, they get their exercise riding a scooter and skateboard, and I get my walking in! Today DH joined us since he was off work and these were our sights.
I chose beauty today.

Have you been able to go outside and get some fresh air? Hopefully the weather is nice enough for you to enjoy it.

Friday, 20 March 2020

A Sweet Surprise 🌵 and JOY!

I had a very sweet surprise earlier this week...
the Astrid the Cactus pattern found it's way to my inbox!

My namesake was gifted to me by a very special RAK friend. Such a thoughtful gesture and as she said, "there can't be many things named after you!"
I think when I stitch her I'll have to include our name.
So thanks again, my dear RAK friend, perfect timing for what's going on in the world at the moment.

And because of that, I've decided the rest of this post will show JOY from this month, because that's what I'm choosing!

Every time I call my parents via their Alexa Echo Spot, Addie goes crazy because she knows it's me calling. Or in this case, Ming! And if I call on the house phone and they put me on speaker, she starts whining and licking the phone, I think she misses me.

Harley, our neighbour's cat, enjoying the sunshine.

My morning snuggle kitties.

On my walk this week.

March moon, love it.

And finally, this... JOY!!!
When this plays, watch out - volume up, dancing, and loud singing about to happen!

So in spite of what's going on in our world at the moment, be sure to look for joy, you might just find it in the smallest thing.

Saturday, 14 March 2020

Friday's Stitching Ground 😸

Tonight I got my support team back, helping me with The Haunted Mansion.

Frankenstein is done, but I made him just a bit taller with his shoes and his neck. And the doctor is headless at the moment! I think I might need to outline his lab coat, it's too close in colour to the fabric.

Nathan is not impressed by me taking his photo. But doesn't he look cute using my pink mermaid blanket?!

Last Sunday was the Italian dinner with the youth group at church and all the boys helped out. Good thing it wasn't this weekend, it would have been cancelled!

This week was Ming's 14th birthday, I let her use my special glass for it. She still acts like a kitten sometimes, running around the house like crazy.

And of course Maximus had to check it out, he might be missing something!

On an entirely different note, how are you dealing with this Coronavirus? The Gmen had their spring breaks start early (Gman1) and extended (Gman2). Nathan now has two weeks with no school, but they have set up Google Classrooms and he has assignments. All school activities have been cancelled and no baseball until the end of the month. Of course this could all be extended, we'll just have to see.
I went to the store today to get a few things and it was like we were expecting a huge snow storm! Weird things gone - bananas, potatoes, onions, most of the pasta but plenty of sauce, a lot of canned veggies, and I didn't even bother to look at the tp since we have enough.
So it's elbow touches for a while, which is really hard for me because I'm a big hugger! At least I know my hands are clean, perfect for stitching. I hope you are all doing well and have plenty of stash to keep you busy!

Thursday, 12 March 2020

The People Chose ☕

So I've been slacking in Jo @ Serendipitous Stitching SAL, whoops!
I didn't really have anything for January (Lizzy Kate), February I only had one penguin (see below), but at least for March I've got some coffee! 😃

I stitched this one for my DH as a Valentine present.

I think this was another pressie for him?

Here they are together in the coffee nook along with the coffee mug I had made with the "Just draggin' without my coffee" on it.

I stitched this up again for an exchange. I think I like the blue mug better!

I haven't fully finished this one yet, but thought it needed a "frame". This was a freebie and I added Ming and Maximus to it instead of the single cat.
You can find this pattern at Cross Stitch Happy

I forgot about this one, I made it for one of Nathan's teachers at school who loves the Gilmore Girls - me too!
Another freebie online, but her blog is no longer up.

And my coffee choice? Pretty much anything berry, especially cranberry!

Here's my lone penguin, at least he's a cutie!

And here's another cute penguin, although he's a bit taller now. Not quite a foot taller, but getting close!

I'm not sure about next month, it's samplers and I know I don't have any of those. I haven't really seen any I had to stitch.

Saturday, 7 March 2020

Friday's Stitching Ground - ⚗

Say what, no kitties?! I'm feeling a little lonely sitting here all by my lonesome. I hear Max howling downstairs and I think Ming is also down there sitting with DH, he needs some loving from them too!

I picked this back up today and decided to work on the laboratory instead of the downstairs walls.

Tomorrow I need to decide if I'm helping out with the Italian dinner the youth group is hosting on Sunday (DH and the boys are all helping), or have a stitching afternoon with friends... I think I know my choice, can you guess?!

Sunday, 1 March 2020

Happy St. David's Day 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

Goodbye Valentine's Day, Hello St. David's Day!

I have a little addition this year.

This sweet daffodil was a Mill Hill kit, but all in beads. I didn't like the way it looked, so I changed it to DMC and just added the beads to the flowers. I like it much better.

This year the currants were up to par, so Welsh cakes were made!

Here's Addie and her first St. David's Day.

Dad flying the Welsh flag at their house.

So whether you celebrate this special Welsh holiday, have a beautiful Sunday. It's beautiful and sunny here today!