Thursday, 11 October 2018

The People's Choice SAL Oct 2018 πŸŽƒ

Go Jo! She's got a new SAL starting this month and it's changing every month according to what WE choose! It's The People's Choice SAL.
Per Jo, "Regular followers will be aware that for over 3 years now I have run a themed SAL on the first Saturday of each month.  First we spent 26 months doing The Alphabet Club and then 12 months of the Zodiac.  Now I have decided to listen to the People and post about your choice of theme.  In September I asked for suggestions on the blog and then made a poll in the IHSW Facebook Group from those suggestions.

The top three choices were:


So I will do one for the next three months.  At the end of this post I will ask again for your suggestions and one of those will become the theme for January.  In November, we choose February's theme and so on.  I will post the results in my sidebar so you have plenty of time to decide what to show."

Did you see that... DRAGONS!

So here's my spin on Halloween for October.

No where near as many as Jo, but I like what I've done so far.

I haven't quite figured out how I'm going to finish this one yet.

My favourite stitched piece, love her!

Still working on this one.

And this one just needs a little bit more.

I doubt I'll get this done in time for Halloween, but at least for next year!

And all these goodies to be stitched.

So are you in? I wonder what we'll choose in the New Year?!


Linda said...

Great Halloween pieces Astrid. Lots of great charts to stitch. I'm not much into Halloween.


Julie said...

Spookiness in abundance .. very nice

Faith... said...

Great Halloween stitching Astrid! Ghoulfriends made me giggle!

RJ said...

Oh I love your Halloween stitching Astrid. I especially like the night garden. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

Cathy said...

I love all your Halloween pieces. Other than monthlies that include Halloween, I've only stitched a couple pieces, but I am enjoying stitching for the holiday this year!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Thanks for taking part in the very first People's Choice!

I think Hallowe'en was a really bad choice because now I am totally enabled! My wish list is so long.

Kaye and I are thinking of starting the Hallowe'en Sampler next year so we'll try keep up with you!

Jan said...

Did you vote Dragons? Love all the Halloween stitching.

rosey175 said...

Great Halloween pieces! The little black cat peeking out behind the pumpkin stack is a cute piece. Are you like Jo, totally enabled by everyone's posts?

Ariadne said...

Oh so many Halloween things!Not the same here thank God, I just finished my first and last Halloween thing!AriadnefromGreece!

Sheryl said...

Wonderful Halloween stitching done Astrid and a lot of Autumn charts in your stash.

FlashinScissors said...

Lovely to see your Halloween stitching, Astrid!
I especially like the owl on the branch of the tree, and strangely enough I’m stitching an owl on a tree at the moment! It’s a Halloween piece but I’m not sure it will be finished.
Barbara xx

Katie said...

I love Jo's new idea too. Great post. Love your Halloween finishes and your Halloween stash.