Friday, 30 October 2020

Scavenger Photo Hunt, October πŸ“·

 In spite of the rain yesterday and a bit of a dreary day today, I'm loving the fall! It's been cool, although a little too cold at times, but the colours sure have been beautiful. Now it's time for Katie and her I live, I love, I craft, I am me ... scavenger photo hunt.

The words for October are...

Sweet treat...
When the Gmen played football in high school, I used to make these mini pumpkin donuts for the team. Twelve dozen, every week for the season. Guess what Gman2 has asked for when he comes home for Nathan's birthday next month?!

Starts with a W...
Waterfall! Niagara Falls, Canadian side specifically.
We went to Canada to celebrate my 50th birthday several years ago and this was our first stop. Beautiful and VERY loud!

Reading now...
I started reading this when dear Tina gave this to me earlier in the year when she and Connie came over for a lunch visit. Sadly, I put it aside and haven't finished it yet! It is written by her Dad, about the radio ministry he started with his brother, which is 95.1 SHINE-FM, the radio station I listen to and volunteer at when I can.

Here's where the crafting starts, and sometimes finishes! In the midst of making masks and trying to frame long finished cross stitching, it can get busy in there.

This is a piece I finally framed, although I'm not really sure I like it. I might have to switch it out later for a bigger frame and add a mat or two.

Something Purple...
Whenever I think of purple I think of Lexi, it was her favourite colour. I've known Petr since we were in kindergarten, and Lexi was his precious daughter who died of cancer when she was eight. Every year they have a fundraiser, Laps for Lexi, where there is LOTS of purple! 

My own choice...
Ahh, roasted PEEPS on the fire, yummy goodness!!
Sadly there are no Halloween PEEPS this year due to Covid19, but there's always next year. They will have them at Easter though!

I realized I never finished reading and commenting on last month's hunt, so I'll be catching up on them when reading this one.
Please note, I try and respond to each comment but I can't when there's no email with your account. I do appreciate them though!
Until next month, Happy Halloween if you're a big kid like me!


Threads through my life said...

You made 12 dozen for week after week? Gosh you were dedicated. They do look good though. Love your craft room (favourite photo); so much space. I agree that the cross stitch will look better in a bigger frame. Perhaps there is not enough colour? Keep busy and safe.

kjsutcliffe said...

I know what you mean about the sound of a huge waterfall in full flow, it is a tremendous sound, you can feel it inside your chest! Thank you Astrid for joining in xk

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I always enjoy you scavenger hunt posts and love how you interpret each of the prompts. Those donuts look so good!! You made that many each week for an entire football, that's dedication!!

shazza said...

I love your spooky cross-stitch and those donuts look delicious. I would love to see the Niagara falls. Great pictures. X

Jak said...

Love all the pictures as usual. I am so impressed with your donut marathon each season. Ever worked out how many you made over the years? I grew up in Zambia, (Northern Rhodesia, Central Africa)) and made so many visits to the Victoria Falls; holidays, guide camping and my husband's parents lived there too so I know exactly what you mean about the noise - one you can feel as well as here. As a matter of interest the local tribesmen called the falls 'Mosi-oa-tunya' meaning 'The Smoke that Thunders@. Very apt. Keep well and safe. x

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

That's a LOT of doughnuts, mini or otherwise!
Your craft room is lovely, I'd love to have a room like that.

Cathy said...

I love your photo hunts; not just the pictures, but the stories behind them!

Katie said...

Great photos! Thanks for sharing.