Saturday, 9 May 2020

Friday's Stitching Ground 🍺

Well, a full finish didn't happen last weekend. But after some darn frogging, I just need a couple more stitches and I'll be finished. Let's try again this weekend!

I was so close to being finished, but realized I had started the upper right coral too low, ugh.

I did add beads to the bubbles per Jo's suggestion, thanks Jo! They might be a little big, but they're staying.

If you didn't catch it from the first photo, DH and I were watching The Mandalorian this evening. Look at him, he's so stinking cute!

How appropriate since I stitched up The Child, or maybe better known as "Baby Yoda" this week! The crib looks white, but it's really a light grey.

Has anyone else been watching it? We've been enjoying it and sometimes Nathan will even watch it with us, although he's already seen it several times!


Rachel said...

If you made an error with the coral, does that mean the whole row was wrong too? I do hope not. Good luck correcting the error and heading towards the finish line. :)

Mary said...

So frustrating to be so close and realize you made an error, it looks like you only had to rip out the one piece of coral though. Love the mermaids, the back stitching really makes their hair look realistic. I think the beads are the perfect size!!

Linda said...

Your stitching looks great Astrid.


Magpie's Mumblings said...

Your mermaid project is looking great. I'm sure you were disappointed not to have a finish last weekend, but you wouldn't have been happy with it if you didn't fix it. Love your Baby Yoda - so cute. We can't get the show so I haven't seen it.

Julie said...

The beads on the mermaids look so at home.
What a shame you had to undo some.

Cathy said...

I'm sorry the frog had to visit, but hopefully all will be fixed quickly. We don't have Disney Plus, but I have seen the Mandalorin "in person". He was at the Ronald McDonald Holiday Party with a lot of other dressed up characters and Kyleigh even got her picture taken with him.

Clare-Aimetu said...

Sometimes only the stitcher can see an error, sorry you had another frog visit. We don't have Disney but do have Prime and got lost in Upload yesterday - box sets can be dangerous hee hee

diamondc said...

I just hate frogging but in order to get a clean stitch it needs to be done, that is an adorable design, I do like the bead bubbles, they are perfect.
Baby Yoda is so cute.
Stay Healthy


Katie said...

Oh I love the beads. Perfect. I'll have to remember that. Yes we watched it. Jeremiah loved it.

Barb said...

That Baby Yoda is adorable. We watched several episodes at a friends house. We don't get the channel but we did like what we saw of the series!

Bethan said...

I hope your error is quick and easy to fix, and isn't the whole row! The beads look really good. I haven't see the Mandalorian yet, but it is on my list of things to watch x

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I hope the error is easily fixed or not too noticeable.
The bubbles look great and Baby Yoda is adorable!