Saturday, 2 March 2019

Space Nuggets at First Lego League Into Orbit πŸ”

This time last week, the Space Nuggets made it to States.
Here they are at UMBC for the Mission portion.
Nathan and M are the ones at the table, ready to roll!

Here's a YouTube video from that day.
 Maryland's 2019 FIRST LEGO League State Tournament

Gman2 came home from Franciscan that weekend to see both of his brothers. It was easy for Gman1 to show up, he goes there! Even his gf was able to see the last round after cheering for the basketball team.

Oh no, I think they're crying!

But this chick was hungry, sorry!

Although they didn't win any awards this year, we had a celebration for them on Monday. This is the cake I threw together for fun.

Better luck next year Nuggets!


Vickie said...

What fun! What a picture! You eating that chicken sandwich!!!! I love your cake.

Linda said...

Looks like alot of fun even if they didn't win.


Barb said...

You all looked awesome! What fun!

Karyn said...

What a fun family all look great! I love the cake, looks perfect and not thrown together at all. Loved you eating Chick-fil-A, I hope you had some waffle fries to go along with it. :)
Sounds like a perfect family weekend, even if they didn't win this time...high fives all around.

RJ said...

I love all the activities that your family join in together to have fun. Love the photo of you who could not resist a chic-fil-a! Really adorable cake too. Great photos Astrid. RJ

Mary said...

What great costumes and a nice end to the day with that fun cake!!

Katie said...

How fun! Love your cake.

Julie said...

It's the taking part and having fun that counts, not the winning .... that's what they say isn't it lol.
Great costumes and tasty looking cake

Faith... said...

Looks like a fun chickeny kinda day! Glad they had a great time even if they didn't get an award but I guess the real reward is the experiences they shared!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I didn't understand half this post or the photos but it all looks like lots of fun anyway! Especially the cake.

Cathy said...

It looks like a fun day with the family altogether. Too bad the team didn't win! I love the family picture!