Thursday, 21 March 2019

Gathering Honey Update 🐝

On February 15th, I started Gathering Honey.
Scroll on down to see where I am now.

Thanks to Jo @Serendipitous Stitching for making me want to stitch this one! It's such a beautiful piece, I love stitching it.

I think that once I've finished all the gardens, I'll add the backstitching and then see where I want to continue.


Vickie said...

It is a very beautiful piece Astrid!

Katie said...

How fun to see it grow so fast. Good work on it!!

Terri said...

I love this piece and want to stitch it too! Yours is looking wonderful!!

deb said...

Oh, look at you go - this is looking wonderful!

Linda said...

Wow! Fantastic progress Astrid. Must be all of those awesome stitching spots you have.


Rachel said...

I love seeing progress pictures together like that, watching a project grow. The paving is really effective, and the gardens add enough colour without being too bold. Looking forward to seeing more! :)

Mini said...

I admired this project when Jo was stitching it and now like it more.
You made tremendous progress in one month.

Sheryl said...

Lovely work, what a pretty piece and you have made great progress.

RJ said...

Sweet!!! I love it. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever