Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Halloween stash πŸ•· πŸ•Έ

I'm still trying to clean this mess up, but not getting very far!

My Halloween stash grew recently due to Karen's Mom giving me her Mill Hill kits. Such fun!
I also have some other Halloween stash, I'm thinking I have plenty of time to finish them... next year!

I wanted a special box to put them all in and found this one at Joann Fabrics. Score!
So that's one tiny section that's been cleared up. I'm just not sure about the rest of it!

The spiders are getting ready for Halloween at our house, I'll be starting this week too. πŸŽƒ

In Mom news, she's still in the hospital and will hopefully be transferred to rehab tomorrow. She's feeling better, but still needs to be able to walk around better than she has been. She's determined, she'll do it!
Thank you for your prayers and thoughts, please keep them coming for both of them. πŸ’–


Mary said...

I am glad your mom is doing better. Those Mill Hill kits are wonderful and that box is perfect.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I really need to come and help sort your spooky stash! Love the Mill Hill collection.

Good to hear Mum is doing OK, soon have her back on her feet again.

Julie said...

That's a great haul of 'passed on' stash, enjoy stitching them up.
Good news mum is improving with each day, I hope she is soon visiting with her friend again in rehab.

RJ said...

So good to hear your Mom is doing better Astrid. She will remain in my prayers.

Oh I needed a good laugh and you gave me just what I needed. LOL!!! How often my craft area looks like that. And, I don't even know where to begin.
You have GREAT stash and you are more than ready for the season. Happy stitching!!! RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

Faith... said...

Glad to hear your Mom is well enough to leave the hospital and go into rehab. It is a step in the right direction!

Clever idea for your Halloween charts storage! No more wondering, what's in that box! ha ha I just LOVE your armoire for your XS stash too!

Katie said...

Wow! Love all your wonderful Halloween stash. The box is perfect. You can definitely tell what's in it. Can't wait to see which ones demand to be stitched first. Ick on the spider pic. They are fascinating as long as they stay outside. This time of year they really like to come in though. I'm glad to hear your mom is feeling a bit better. Hope she keeps getting better quickly.

Kaisievic said...

Prayers and healing hugs for your mum and dad. Great Hallowe'en stash - I think that we are all jealous! Have fun with it all!

Barb said...

Glad to hear your mom is doing better. I will continue to keep them both in my prayers. Now that is no problem, having all that wonderful Halloween stash, lucky you!

beadgirl said...

A stash of Mill Hill kits -- that should be hours of fun stitching. I'm glad your mom is feeling better.

Brigitte said...

That's really a great addition to your Halloween stash. It will be so much fun to stitch all those kits.
I keep my fingers crossed that your mom gets a lot better soon.

rosey175 said...

o wow, that's a tremendous addition to your Halloween collection! Gonna finish one a day now, right? :D The boxes at JoAnn's are really cute this year.

Linda said...

Love your new stash and the box is perfect Astrid. Glad to hear your mom is doing better.


ricketyjo said...

I hope your mum is doing ok and has made it to rehab. Her determination will hopefully help! I will be thinking of her.
As for your halloween stash, that looks delightful! How exciting to open that box and see all those pretty things to stitch!
Enjoy your weekend!

Bethan said...

I love your cupboard! And that is such a lot of Hallowe'en projects! Fingers crossed for your mum x