Friday, 28 September 2018

Here There be Dragons 🐉🐲

We finally made it to the Renaissance Festival this year! It's been several years since we were there, so it was about time. The weather was perfect, and going with friends always makes it more fun.
So many D R A G O N S!!!

Afternoon entertainment

 Looks like it could be a cute stitching hut.

DH, the only kind of "costume" he'll wear!

On stilts.

Costume change!

The boys shooting blow darts.

Perfect for Halloween, I think they'd make a great fire pit!

Do you see the little bugger?!

There he is, trapped! Quick, stitch away and be free from the frog!

He made a funny face and got to participate.

And one of the best parts? Cheesecake on a stick and key lime pie on stick!

And I only saw ONE mermaid!

After seeing all those dragons, I think I should start one or two from the growing collection I have. These are two of my favourites.

I know many have stitched this one, an oldie but a goodie!

But probably not until after the holidays, I've already got enough to keep me busy for a while.

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Halloween stash 🕷 🕸

I'm still trying to clean this mess up, but not getting very far!

My Halloween stash grew recently due to Karen's Mom giving me her Mill Hill kits. Such fun!
I also have some other Halloween stash, I'm thinking I have plenty of time to finish them... next year!

I wanted a special box to put them all in and found this one at Joann Fabrics. Score!
So that's one tiny section that's been cleared up. I'm just not sure about the rest of it!

The spiders are getting ready for Halloween at our house, I'll be starting this week too. 🎃

In Mom news, she's still in the hospital and will hopefully be transferred to rehab tomorrow. She's feeling better, but still needs to be able to walk around better than she has been. She's determined, she'll do it!
Thank you for your prayers and thoughts, please keep them coming for both of them. 💖

Thursday, 20 September 2018

This stinks 😠

Well shoot, my Mom's in the hospital again.
She was admitted Tuesday morning and diagnosed with bronchial pneumonia. And with all the rain and dampness we've had, her RA has been really bad so they've given her morphine for the pain. Poor Momma.

Nathan had off yesterday because there was a staff professional day at school, so we headed to the hospital to visit her. She was sitting in a chair when we arrived and was pleasantly surprised to see us.
She didn't look too bad, just tired. Although she's still coughing, I'm not sure that will ever go away. We stayed for about four hours or so, enough time to make sure she's okay, but not too long to wear her out.
My Dad said she's going to rehab again, he's just not sure when. 

At least she's got a pretty view from her room.

Please keep her in your thoughts and/or prayers, she's had a rough year. Oh, and my Dad too, he's exhausted being the care giver and hasn't been sleeping well at night for quite a while. Living two hours away isn't that far, but far enough away not to help out on a regular basis. 

Saturday, 15 September 2018

School time! ✐

The end of August was Gman2's move in day at Franciscan University in Ohio. Good thing Gman1 was taking care of Nathan, there was no room for him in my car!

We stopped by to see Oma and Opa on the way since that's the route we took. It looks like my Dad's not too sure how to smile for a selfie! Mom went to the ER earlier that week because her tube was painful and it turns out she had bronchitis. Ugh, and she was doing so well. But overall she is doing much better.

Our next pit stop was meeting my nephew and his girlfriend in Frostburg for lunch at The Princess Restaurant. Short, sweet, and delicious!

We hit the road after that, only about 2+ hours away. When we pulled up to his dorm, a group of students were there and started unloading and labeling his things with his room number and then brought it there - it was great!

 His room has already changed, the bed has been raised high enough for the fridge and tv to fit underneath.

DH was in California for work earlier in the week, so he flew into Pittsburgh early Friday morning and came to the hotel so he could sleep a bit before seeing Gman2. We did some shopping for extras and then had lunch before heading home. I'm not sure when we'll see him again, but I'm hoping one weekend next month.

I was able to do some stitching on the way home since DH drove, what a treat!

As for Gman1, he rented a house near UMBC with some of his fraternity brothers.
It's a good thing his room isn't in the basement, although the laundry is.

I'm sure a big incentive might have been the tiki bar the previous students left behind! Hmmm...🍻

The plus to him going there is that we get to see him more often since he's so close. Even better when he brings Claire with him!

And finally, Master Nathan's first day of sixth grade, an official middle schooler!
He had already brought his backpack to school the week before when he met his teacher.

He told me he wasn't going to turn around for a picture. ☹

In the classroom and ready to learn!

A throwback to pre-k, adorable!

And in stitchy news, I added a flying witch to the Halloween Sampler. There's more to come!

Saturday, 8 September 2018

Fun with Oma and Opa 💕

After our five hour drive from Ohio, we arrived back at my parents house safe and sound.
Since last year was a hot, family mess 😕, we are back on track and we will not allow it to happen again. No more playing games, some people are okay with it, I'm not.

So, my parents gave me a belated birthday present from last year, just after we got there. Mermaids! DH still has to hang them in my craft room, but I think I know where I want them.

The next day, Oma needed new frames so we headed to Walmart before the storm rolled in. She got her glasses and Nathan got to do his back to school shopping. He was thrilled... not!

The following day was beautiful, so Opa, Nathan, and I headed to downtown Cumberland for some antique shopping.

Awe, so sweet, pink poodles! Can you guess who they remind me of?!

The beautiful Emmanuel Parish of the Episcopal Church.

Quick pic of my Dad and I.

A quiet afternoon downtown.

My nephews came for a visit while we were there. They live in Frostburg, about 15/20 minutes away.

I like how Oma is looking at us in this one. Probably thinking, "goofballs!"

The next morning, we took Oma on an outing to see her old roommate, Gail, at the rehab center. She was surprised and thrilled, can you tell?!

Hugs, they do the heart good.

Such a sweetie, I hope to see her again the next time we visit. And I really hope they go back and visit her before I do!

Opa had their pool open and Nathan took advantage of it, he loves the water! Unfortunately they recently closed it, too many leaves falling in there. Growing up in the house before this one, we kept the pool open until October, chilly swimming weather! 

A quick photo before we headed home, an end to our wonderful mini vacation.

In stitchy news, this is what I ordered over the summer from The Strawberry Sampler. I love her! I haven't started her yet since I'm still working on my Halloween Sampler that I bought when Karen and I were there, I'm almost done.