Sunday, 25 July 2021

Scavenger Photo Hunt - July 📷🍨

Welcome to the fourth word of the Scavenger Photo Hunt for July. As always, anyone can join in with whatever inspires you and I can always add it after the sign up is closed.
This week's word is -

Ice Cream
Another oldie from my Dad, thank goodness I don't make as much of a mess anymore.

Well, at least he's a not as messy as his Mom!

We have an ice cream maker, although we haven't made any recently. But maybe this week?!

I know I've posted this photo before, but this beer ice cream in Canada was delicious.

Visiting Young's Jersey Dairy in Ohio while visiting with family several years ago.

We had a great time with them and the ice cream was so good, we were all happy with what we got!

A new Cold Stone just opened up in our area, so DH and I went today so I could post some photos for you. It was a tough job, but worth it!

I chose the Peanut Butter Cup Perfection.
If you're not familiar with Cold Stone, this is how it works... the ice cream is scooped, chocolate drizzle and peanut butter drizzle are added, then some Reese's Cups. Mix it all together on an actual cold stone, and then hand it over!
You can make up whatever you want, but this one is my favourite. Although I might have to try coffee next time.

Sadly I don't remember stitching any ice cream, but I do have this pattern so I could change that. 

What's your favourite kind of ice cream?
My ultimate favourite is pumpkin, so I'm looking forward to the fall!


Carol said...

The Coldstone ice cream looks amazing … I don’t think we have anything like that over here, I always tend to opt for salted caramel and chocolate with the odd dash of mint choc chip 😃

Vickie said...

We have been to Cold Stone here, it has been a long time, as we are spoiled. We have quite a choice of local frozen custard shops here. I am not even a huge ice cream fan my self. My husband and kids sure are though! My personal favorite is Death By Chocolate done by Oscar's in West Allis. Absolutely great!

Linda said...

Gotta have ice cream during the summer. My favorite everything is chocolate.


Magpie's Mumblings said...

We have made two trips to our favourite dairy this summer - funny how the car manages to wend its way there without much guidance from us! Right now my favourite is Salted Caramel Truffle....sooooooo good!

diamondc said...

Astrid: First opf all cute ice cream photos.
I love ice cream, my favorite is licorice, many people do not like it but I sure do.
I think that cone design is adorable.


Jak said...

Love the cow. Now I know where strawberry icecream comes from!!

Never heard of Cold Stone, sounds delicious. I'm a vanilla icecream with chocolate sauce person, should be more adventurous!!! xx

Threads through my life said...

I too have not heard of Cold Stone but it does look yummy. I don't like beer so would not like beer ice cream! Rum and raisin is on of my favourites if I'm out and it is available. Love the picture of you as a little child, eating ice cream!