Monday, 12 July 2021

Scavenger Photo Hunt - July 📷 ♨️

Welcome to the second word of the Scavenger Photo Hunt for July. As always, anyone can join in with whatever inspires you and I can always add it after the sign up is closed. And that's only been me so far!
This week's word is -

This was probably taken by my Momma, our first grill in the states when we moved from Wales. I was two years old and looks like I was ready to eat!
OMGoodness, fresh salmon on the grill in Alaska. Haven't had anything better since then!
This little guy wanted to help eat cook it, but had to settle for enjoying the salmon oil that dropped in the sand.
DH completed his beer list at The River Hill GRILL. Too bad it's changed hands since then and it's not as good as it was.

Two guys, cleaning up the grill to make our dinner!
I know you can't tell, but we made grilled cheese on the fire pit... delicious!

We have two single sandwich makers, but I gave this one to DH for Christmas so we could have bigger grilled cheese sandwiches! I guess we'll have to wait until the fall to enjoy it, it's rather hot outside now.
Alas, I do not have any stitched pieces related to a grill, or grilling, at least none that I remember.


Carol said...

Can’t believe you had a bear in your yard … how amazing. The salmon did look particularly appetising though 😃

Threads through my life said...

Yes, bears can be a 'hazard' where you live but I can enjoy your visitor from the safety of my PC! Looks like you have a lot of outdoor cooking going on. I agree the salmon looks good. Mind you a grilled cheese sandwich sounds wonderful too!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Oh - that salmon looks wonderful!!!! Intrigued by the 'beer list' and am led to assume that it is a list of local beers and the goal is to try each one?

Vickie said...

I am fascinated by that first picture! Your Alaskan adventure with the salmon looks sooo good!

Cathy said...

The best salmon I ever had was cooked on a grill in a campground in Canada!