Monday, 19 July 2021

Scavenger Photo Hunt - July 📷🌳

Welcome to the third word of the Scavenger Photo Hunt for July. As always, anyone can join in with whatever inspires you and I can always add it after the sign up is closed. And here I am, late again!
This week's word is -

Way back when photo taken by my Dad of my Godparents who were visiting from Essex.
This was one of our pit stops when he would take our visitors to Shenandoah National Park. Although we would always bring our own picnic supplies.

I'm not sure where we were going, maybe the mountians, or the beach, but the picnic stop always included tea!

The Gmen when they were in Cub Scouts, enjoying their grilled cheese sandwiches.

Our neighbourly squirrel having a little picnic on our deck.

What's a picnic without a cupcake?! Nathan was enjoying this one at a class picnic.

My nieces and Nathan having a pizza picnic in the enclosed porch, complete with a Disney movie I think.

This is the only "picnic" piece I can remember stitching, at least the lower corner of it!

I hope you can join in on Friday for some ICE CREAM! I'm ready for some every night this time of year. Come show us what you love!


Barb said...

What a fun collection of picnic photos!

Threads through my life said...

OOh, I'm rather envious of your enclosed porch, I want one! The photo that made me smile the most is the squirrel having a picnic! I too am ready for ice cream!

Vickie said...

What neat picnic pictures you shared. I love the stitched one. My PLAN is to stitch that series you gifted me this next year. :)

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Picnics are a rare happening in our household because DH isn't enamoured with having to chase bugs off his food. Fun to see your family photos!

Cathy said...

More lovely pictures to bring back memories for you!

Linda said...

More great pictures from the past. My family wasn't picture takers.
