Thursday, 22 July 2021

Birthday/Christmas in July 🌲

A dear friend of my Dad's celebrated her 90th birthday last week. She lives in Britain, but married an American way back when and they lived in North Carolina for a while before eventually returning to the UK. Her husband had an old red truck while they were in NC, so this was a reminder of it for her since it's just her now.
This Mill Hill pattern was for a red car, but I converted it to a truck.

Last week I spend some time with my parents before I took my Mom to have her 2nd cataract surgery on Friday. Dad found this jar of mincemeat and decided we needed a pie since he didn't make mince pies last Christmas.

He even added the decorations to make it official!
He also added Brandy to the whipped cream, delicious and truly a Christmas treat. 
It was good, but not quite as good as his mince pies.
I might have to help make them this year, that way I can take some home to enjoy!

My Momma after her surgery, she's doing great and very happy not to have to wear her glasses anymore. Except for her "cool" sunglasses!


Vickie said...

So glad your Mom's surgery went well. What a nice, thoughtful gift that little red truck is. :)

Magpie's Mumblings said...

What a great thing that your Mom's surgery went well! I haven't had mince pie in years but as I remember it I didn't like it much. Mind you, I was a kid then and my tastes have definitely changed. (cute wee truck, btw)

Linda said...

Glad your mom is doing good after her surgery Astrid. I finally got brave and had my good eye done last year. The smartest thing I ever did. Love your red truck.


Cathy said...

I'm glad your mom's surgery went well. And, I love what you did with the ornament. I don't know that I've ever had/tasted a mince pie though.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Cool shades!
The red truck is a lovely Ornament and a great reminder of her time in the US as we don't really have them here.
We do have mince pies! I am surprised other commenters haven't tried them. Are they not ubiquitous at Christmas in America?
I don't actually like the mincemeat so Mum used to make a large open tart with mincemeat one side and jam the other for me! With a pastry lattice to separate the two!