Saturday, 14 December 2019

Friday's Stitching Ground 🛬

Today's stitching ground was stitching in the car while DH drove us to the airport to pick up Gman2!
I was working on Mill Hill's Christmas Tree Globe.

And here he is, back after four long months! He had a fantastic time in Austria at Franciscan, with so many memories. I can't wait to see all his photos.

And his dinner of choice his first night home? Having friends come over for Ledo's Pizza (local pizza place) and some American IPA's! 🍺
What do you miss when you've been away from home? 


Vickie said...

Such a handsome young man your son is. God bless him and the work he is going into. I am so glad he is home with you. I miss pizza too. ;)

diamondc said...

Astrid: What a wonderful Christmas present to have him come home, you both are adorable looking and so happy looking.
The Mill Hill kits are one of my favorites to stitch on perforated paper.



Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

How lovely to see your son back for Christmas, I am sure he has lots of stories to share with you all.
The new snow globes stitch is cute too.

Shelly said...

Aww, nice to have your son back I'm sure! What do I miss when I've been away from home? My bed!! Haha. I don't do well on motel beds. They're so hard it's like sleeping on a cloth covered board. Nice start on the Mill Hill piece:)

Mary said...

How nice to have your son back home for Christmas!! 4 months is a long time!! The Mill hill kit is lovely, I tried stitching on paper and could not do it at all!! I miss real NY pizza when away and good strong coffee.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

So glad he's home for Christmas with you! Such lovely smiles on both your faces.

Cathy said...

I know you're happy to have your son home again! Is he staying home now or does he go back after Christmas? I have that Mill Hill kit! Guess I need to start it, too.

Barb said...

I can imagine how happy you are to have him home. I think I am getting old when the first thing that came to my mind that I missed while away from home is my bed!! Glad to see Shelly agrees with me!

Rachel said...

Love your new start. It always surprises me how people can stitch in cars, although I suspect you don't attempt the beading!!! :)

Katie said...

Glad to hear he made it home safe and sound. I always look forward to my own meals. Spaghetti. Mac and Cheese. The things I don't really like at restaurants.

Bethan said...

Lovely to have him back! I am enjoying your reindeer jumper that I can see a glimpse of! x