Thursday, 14 November 2019

We have a teenager in the house! 😮

Here's the birthday boy, Nathan, just a little cold without his jacket! He had a sleepover the night before, but I'm really beginning to wonder if they actually slept - they woke me up at 5am with yelling!

After his last baseball game of the season, we went to an early dinner to celebrate. Gman1 and C were at the game too and were able to join us.

Unfortunately, Gman2 was unable to join us. Something about being in Rome?! He's having a great time "studying" in Austria, with side trips all over.

 Ah yes, the treasured birthday gift!

He wasted no time in putting it together.

And here it is, finished, but not totally together as advertised... every time he actually put them together with the trees, parts of it would fall apart. Frustration, tears, anger, the whole teenage lot! I suggested he look on the Lego website to see what others had said or if there was a solution. No luck, others were having the same problem with glue being the only solution. Let's just say they didn't get a very good review from him!

I'd Leggo of her Eggo, you don't want to mess with El!
At least the character are cool.

So I was looking at some Stranger Things cross stitch patterns, and I think I like these the best so far. But would it be for Nathan, or me?

Here's an added extra - I can't say I've ever heard of the Beaver Moon, but here it is in it's glory.

 A combo picture.


diamondc said...

Astrid: Happy Birthday to Nathan, I understand his frustration about the Leggo's problem.
I like the Stranger Then Things upside down design.
The Native Americans gave names to certain moons to keep track of the seasons, my cousin married a wonderful man who is from the Shakopee Mdewakanton Souix her in Minnesota, he is fuill of information about the Native Americans.
I hope you have a great weekend.


Linda said...

Happy Birthday Nathan.


Vickie said...

Happy Birthday to your youngest man!! What a cool gift! Sorry for the frustration though.

Barb said...

Please tell Nathan I wish him many Happy Birthdays!! So sorry he had such problems with his gift! Beautiful moon pictures.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Lego can be frustrating - but oh so much fun too! Happy Birth Day wishes to your young man - albeit belated now.

Julie said...

Happy Birthday to Nathan, what a shame the Lego caused so many problems for those wanting to enjoy it. I hope the company take note for future builds.

Katie said...

Wow 13. Happy Birthday Nathan. Sorry to hear about the Lego. I kind of wondering about how hard it would be to display. Love the Stranger Things stitching you found. Lovely photo of the moon!