Friday, 8 November 2019

Friday's Stitching Ground 📺

After spending the day doing laundry - clothes, sheets, towels, and whatever else I could find, this evening was for stitching.
I started Santa Visits Maryland earlier in the week and I love it so far! Having kitty company is always nice, whether I like it or not.

And I found a tasty treat waiting for me in the beer fridge!

Normally DH and I don't watch much tv together, but tonight we found something we thought we would try - Tom Clancy's "Jack Ryan" on Amazon Prime.
We just started the first episode of the first season and we like it! So at least we'll have something to watch together beside some football games.
Is there something you like to watch with your significant other, family and/or friends?


Christine said...

Your Santa is looking good.
We're onto season 2 of Jack Ryan - it's pretty good

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I'd love the purring sources of heat on my lap while I stitch! As for what we like to watch....any of the NCIS shows, Hawaii Five O, and New Amsterdam are current favourites for both of us.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Lovely stitching and Santas are such happy subjects.
We watched Sneaky Pete on Amazon Prime and enjoyed it.
Happy Stitching from me!

Linda said...

Love your new start and those kitties Astrid. DH and I watch pretty much the same shows, EXCEPT, he likes zombies and all that kinda stuff. YUCK.


Shelly said...

I just saw your Halloween exchange pics and what a bunch of great stuff you and your partner received! I just love Halloween! My 3 kitties sit near me too as I stitch. Love the new start. When my daughter was still living at home we did Halloween movies a lot like Hocus Pocus, etc. I watch more TV than she does!

Barb said...

We both like Blue Bloods. However my DH is not picky and will watch almost anything that is on! Santa is looking good!

Mary said...

Great progress on your Santa, that's a lot of stitching! I'll check out Jack Ryan, always looking for something to watch. We don't have cable but do have Prime and I take out dvd's from my library. I enjoyed watching Outlander with a friend, too much of a "soap opera" for the husband.

Cathy said...

I don't have Amazon Prime, but I've read all of Tom Clancy's books. I didn't even know there was a series. My husband is pretty willing to watch anything that I want to watch, although he's not crazy about HGTV and Food Network shows. Our favorites are NCIS, 911, and New Amsterdam right now. He, of course has a lot of shows that I don't like and won't watch.

Your Santa is coming along nicely!

Katie said...

Lovely stitching. Laundry makes for good stitching time for me. In between loads I normally get a lot done. We watch way too much TV. We really like the CW Super Hero shows. We have so many on our DVR waiting for us to have time.

Julie said...

Nice new project, your furry friends agree too I think.

diamondc said...

Astrid: I love having my baby by my side when stitching.
I am looking forward to seeing the finished Santa.
I am not an Ale drinker but anything with pumpkin sounds good to me.
I have a favorite program we both watch Live PD, Mike retired from law enforcement after 36 years, he like the excitement of the show as do I, I do not stitch when TV is on I get distracted and make mistakes.

Have a lovey week

Rachel said...

Lovely start to Santa, and with your very own hot water bottles for company!
Enjoy Jack Ryan; I thought S1 was pretty good and will watch S2 once I've binge-watched S4 of The Man in the High Castle this weekend.

Faith... said...

Great start on your Santa! It is nice to have someone to watch TV with someone. I love TV and think there is never enough time for everything with all this streaming available and now they throw Disney in the mix.