Saturday, 2 November 2019

Scavenger Photo Hunt, October 📷

Even though I'm late and it's November, here's October! It's time for Katie's I live, I love, I craft, I am me ... scavenger photo hunt this month.

The words for October are...

Watch out, it's raining PEEPS!
This was from the most recent PEEP Show that Nathan and I have been attending for several years now.

This is a morning view from the back of the cruise ship we were on this past summer, looks pretty wet out there to me!

These are some ice patches that melted on our neighbour's driveway, I guess they count as puddles?

Sidetracking from water, here's our driveway with an overflow of autumn leaves. Although today DH spent the morning cleaning them up so now it's clear again. ☹  I do love seeing all those colours!

Nathan made lots of splashes while learning how to use the bodyboard on the cruise. I think he'll need some more practice!

My Own Choice
Since we're on the water theme, I decided to add this photo. I saw a beautiful stained glass mermaid on Pinterest about five years ago, and just had to have one!

Thankfully, I was able to track down the artist who made it. He lives in Florida and was actually coming to our area, so when he finished the above piece, he delivered it to me in person to our house that was being built. It now hangs in my craft room window and I still love it.

I hope to see you next month!


Vickie said...

I think that is sooooo neat that you were able to track down the stained glass artist and he delivered it to YOU! I love it!

Linda said...

I love these posts Astrid. More fun photos.


Julie said...

Great pics for October, I missed this month.
Stunning mermaid window

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I certainly never knew there WAS such a thing as a Peeps show!! Love the stained glass and what a blessing to be able to find the artist and get a personal delivery.

Katie said...

Awesome post! Thanks for sharing.

kjsutcliffe said...

Lovely photos and stories - I can see why you fell in love with the mermaid - she is beautiful! The umbrella (PEEP) what is it made of? It has really got me curious! thank you for joining in x

Tigermouse said...

All great photos and stories, I love your comment on 'wet', the mermaid is lovely and how great the artist brought it to you in person. My favourite just has to be 'overflowing' though, the colours are stunning :)

Jak said...

Lovely pictures especially that gorgeous mermaid. Though the one I really like is your
picture for Wet, the wake of your cruise ship makes a path right into the sunset and beyond. That umbrella is amazing too.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Great photos and the mermaid stained glass is stunning.

Threads through my life said...

Well, it seems the comment I left you a few days ago has been lost! So second time lucky I hope. I thought you had given us a lovely set of photos. I hope you don't send your snow over here, well not yet! I loved your umbrella photo but the best is the mermaid. Lucky you to own it.

Faith... said...

Beautiful mermaid stained glass piece!

Bethan said...

Oh how cool that you were able to track down the artist and meet him! Makes the piece even more special x