Friday, 22 November 2019

Friday's Stitching Ground 🐕

Another Friday night, watching Jack Ryan with DH. We finished Season 1 and really liked it!
I can't show you what I'm working on tonight, it's for an exchange I'm running a little late on. I should be able to post it on Monday, so it won't be late but I don't like cutting it so close!

I had a trio of critter company tonight.

Phoenix is here for the weekend and where we sit, she sits!

And that includes Nathan!

It didn't take them long to check out her house, luckily they weren't interested in her dinner.

It's about time, Maximus wasn't scared at all but I'm not sure about Phoenix!

They did a little nose sniffing, then Phoenix was done.

I know DH would like a dog, but since I would be the primary "caregiver", I'm not ready for that. But dog sitting is nice, especially if it's Phoenix, she's a sweetie.
Do you ever pet sit for friends or family? Or is your house full enough?!


doodles n daydreams said...

No, our house is quite empty since our old cat died a couple of years ago so I quite like to dog sit our grandkid's dog for a few days now and then. It also makes me go walking :) Next time will be over Christmas break sometime.
Enjoy your dog sitting,

Vickie said...

Aww, Phoenix does look a bit unsure. How nice to see all three snuggled in. I do not have to watch any pets. My Mom has cats. If her and my stepdad go on vacation, my brothers watch the cats. I would love to add more poodles. I do not consider our household full! Brian does!! So far, no more poodles! :(

Linda said...

Pretty blankets Astrid. We have 5 cats. I think that is enough.


FlashinScissors said...

Lovely blankets, Astrid!
No, we have two cats, and they are quite a handful in themselves!
Phoenix looks a bit worried!
Good luck with your exchange!
Barbara xx

Meg said...

Awww.... love your fur babies! My dog, Scout, is pretty close to me. I'm not sure how he would react with another pet in the house. If my husband comes over to hug me when I'm sitting on the loveseat, Scout acts like he's going to bite him! (He doesn't... but he is pretty possessive of me.)

I just finished re-watching Season 1 of Jack Ryan. I had seen it when it first came out but forgot the plot so I wanted to refresh my memory in preparation of Season 2. When my husband gets home from working out of town, I'm going to see if he wants to watch it with me. I love it, too! I really like John Krasinski, the actor who plays Jack Ryan. He's a hottie. ;-)

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I don't pet sit and bring them here but I have a couple of friends who have me on speed dial to let their dogs outside if they're away for the day. One has a chinchilla and it's such fun to stroke the lovely soft coat. Her daughter has rats too and those I refuse to have anything to do with. Yuck!

diamondc said...

Astrid: You are a sweetheart to dog sit what a sweet little face on that dog.
I bet the cats thought what the heck moved in.
Nathan is adorable.


Cathy said...

I'm definitely not a dog person, but I love cats, especially if I've first had them as kittens. We only have one now and like some children, one's enough.

Katie said...

I'm a major dog person. I want a fenced in yard and at least a million dogs haha. They just LOVE so much. Of course your cats seem very lovely too so that's nice.