Friday, 18 January 2019

Friday's Stitching Ground 🛋

Trying this out for the New Year, we'll see how long it goes. Will it be every Friday, or an occasional one? I guess it depends on what I'm working on and where.
Care to join in?

Friday's Stitching Ground

Friday's stitching - Sirena


Linda said...

Love your stitching spot Astrid. Also love the piece your working on.


Vickie said...

What a fantastic mermaid!

Katie said...

Oh beautiful Sirena. She wanted on the list for this year. But with all my other goodies I told her she had to wait till next year. I'll love watching yours grow.

RJ said...

Your mermaid looks fantastic. Great place to stitch. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

Faith... said...

What a relaxing looking stitchy spot! I look forward to your posts, whenever you have the time!

FlashinScissors said...

She looks lovely!
Nice to see your comfy stitching spot.
I’m usually stitching on a Friday too, just don’t get round to blogging about it! Tee hee!
Barbara xx

Barb said...

That is such a pretty design!