Thursday, 31 January 2019

To Peacock or not⁉️

 The peacock was January and the border just came out for February.

Silly me, I thought at first it was just going to be just the peacock and the feathers were going to get bigger every month... and I wanted to stitch it!
But now I see it's more and I need to decide if I still want to stitch it or not.

This is the fabric I have, it's sort of a tan colour, but hard to tell in the photo. These are some of the threads I thought about using for the peacock.
I have no thoughts as to the border.

So now I'm not quite sure if I'm going to start, or maybe wait to see what March shows. OR, I could just stitch the peacock and be done!

Is anyone else doing this one?

Saturday, 26 January 2019

January Smalls SAL 🐱

I am actually joining in this year's Smalls SAL, now hosted by Mary at Mary's Thread. Not only am I trying to do some smalls, but totally finished ones too!

I had a head start with these three in the beginning of January, I was on a Mill Hill kick!
These and several others were given to me during the summer by Karen's Mother, dear Judy, who passed away suddenly in November. She knew I loved Halloween and gave me quite a stash of them. These will be treasured for sure.

This is one I've made before, but I wanted to make again for myself because I like it so much.

I hope I can get as many done next month, we'll see.

Friday, 25 January 2019

Friday's Stitching Ground 🛋

Although not exactly my stitching ground this afternoon, it's prepping for stitching.
Here's the table in my craft room, let me show how you how I got here.

Yesterday I went to Joann's because I had a 40% off coupon, so I thought I would replace the 18 skeins of floss I can't find I'm out of. All the Christmas goodies were 75% off, an extra bonus. I also got the mats to use for my silk gauze. This lot cost $15.88, not too shabby.

Today I hit Michaels to use my $5.00 coupon and also 20% off including sale items. I didn't think they had the new DMC colours because they weren't with the others, but after browsing around, I found where they were hiding it! I thought about buying all of the new floss, but really didn't like all of the colours and it wasn't really a need, but a want.
This lot only cost me $1.72 and it showed the floss on sale for .11... awesome! I still have another $5 off, so maybe I'll have to go back tomorrow?!

And as I'm sitting here writing this, Sirena is next to me waiting to be stitched on later this evening.

Monday, 21 January 2019

That Moon! 🌚

A Super Blood Wolf Moon








Good thing my neighbours couldn't see me in my pjs, robe, and slippers! The first time I went out I made the mistake of not wearing gloves. When I finally came inside, I thought my fingers would never get warm again! Wearing gloves after that made all the difference. It was windy and bitterly cold and some of the pictures are blurry either from my hands shaking or the tripod moving around. I was going to stay until the very end, but my warm bed was calling me and I listened. 

Sunday, 20 January 2019

The People Chose... 🗓

Head over to Jo @ Serendipitous Stitching to see what I'm talking about.

Still not on time for posting, but here it is!

A couple of posts ago, I showed you my start of Sirena, but here she is when I was gathering and changing the colours. Not too many changes and I only need one colour I don't have.

Her hair, but I decided to change her skin and still need to pick it out.

This is my travel kit start since I finished the other ones. It's kind of hard to see the white.

And for now, this will be my last start for the month. I know somewhere I have a mat to tape the silk gauze to, I just have to find it!

And no surprise that next month will be very appropriately, hearts!

Saturday, 19 January 2019

Snow much fun! ❆ ☃

Last Sunday, four inches of snow turned into just under ten inches at our house... snow day for Nathan on Monday!
There was a wide range in our area, in one direction it was as high as 13", and then as low as 5" the other direction.

I love watching it snow, it makes everything look so pretty. The hibiscus must like it too because it started blooming.
This was my stitching view while in the front room.

No more ugly winter trees.

I guess the snow was a little heavy, or our snowman was snow drunk and passed out!

As it melted, it looks like we had snow snakes, or worms.

And finally, a finish for this little guy, Flurry, from the Mill Hill Snowbells.
I tried using Wisper for the pom-pom on the hat, but it didn't fluff up very much. I also added the little bell.

Although we're under a winter weather advisory today, it's more likely to be sleet and freezing rain than snow. Then winds and flash freezing on Sunday. Darn, I wanted more snow! But after last weekend, who knows what to expect. I'm sure it's changed already!

Friday, 18 January 2019

Friday's Stitching Ground 🛋

Trying this out for the New Year, we'll see how long it goes. Will it be every Friday, or an occasional one? I guess it depends on what I'm working on and where.
Care to join in?

Friday's Stitching Ground

Friday's stitching - Sirena

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Birthday Love for my Momma! 🎉

Peek a Boo, look at you...
Turning eighty today, Hip Hip Hooray!
You've had such a rough time, yet you still shine.
Wishing you a wonderful year, filled with much cheer.

Until it's time to celebrate again.
I love you, Momma!

The week before her birthday, my brother and family came to visit them for an early celebration.

All too soon, it was time to go.

On her actual birthday, the 7th, we surprised her and showed up to celebrate. Unfortunately, Nathan was unable to come because he had a presentation at school that day.
We brought the birthday flag with us for her special day and I made her some tiramisu "fluff" she could have for her "cake" since it was easy for her to eat.
She looks like a queen on her throne.

And here she is, standing! It looks like she's giving one of the boys an earful! 

Thank you to those of you who sent a card for her birthday, Vickie, Faith, Debbie W, Cathy (she loved your stitched card!), and Jo for the beautiful ecard! She was surprised and pleased to receive them all.
Here's the card Cathy sent, adorable!

For her birthday present, it was a joint effort getting her a cell phone to use with an Echo Spot. She loves it because she can call anyone, either with or without video, and she doesn't have to pick up a phone and dial with her poor hands.
Ming having a chat with them.
I guess I should have told them to smile before I took the picture!

She had a great birthday, even if she didn't have a big shindig. Here's to another year!

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

December Fun!

Before Christmas, my chosen sister, Cori, invited me to join her at Peddler's Village in PA for a short getaway. WOW, we had a fantastic time and are already planning on going back next year!

So many beautiful lights... everywhere! And lots of fun shops, I think we might have missed a few.

Um, no thanks.

I see you, darn frog!

And I was loving the moonflake!

This sweet Gazebo had gingerbread scenes on exhibit.

The categories were Traditional, Authentic Reproduction, 3-D, Movie or TV Set, Student, Kids Only and a new one, Philly Pride.
I didn't take pictures of them all, but I still took a lot! So creative and fun.

A fun, wisk Christmas tree.

We had a phone in our room, but it was a little hard to order room service with it not being connected!

We missed breakfast at the Inn, but Nancy's Village Cafe was recommended - it was wonderful!

Having some last minute fun with a picture in a picture, unfortunately hard to see.

And then before I knew it, it was Christmas!

I didn't ask for any stitchy stuff because quite honestly, I have enough to keep me busy for a very long time. But that's not to say I wasn't tempted.
Although I did receive Mermaids from my three boys! The fabric in the lower right corner will be made into a blanket as soon as Gman1 has the use of his arm back after his surgery.

A couple of days later we went to celebrate our belated Christmas with Oma and Opa.

And we had our yearly family photo taken!

In stitchy news, I had gotten this at Joann's when they were on sale and stitched this little guy.

It's nice enough, but the white is NOT white after I stitched it. You can barely tell his pink face. I guess it's from the holes? Any thoughts?

This sled was almost finished but I hadn't added the cat yet. Then I decided that it was meant for Gman1's gf, C, and added Finn to it!

Here's the sweet boy, but he's much bigger now!

Next time... update on my Momma's birthday!