Tuesday, 31 December 2019

The People Chose ❄⛄❄

I'm super late for Jo @ Serendipitous Stitching's, The People Chose this month, but I'm squeezing it in before the new year... at least in MY time zone!
I'm going to try and think of snow for this month, and not so much on Christmas (except for the ornament ones?!)

An oldie, my first "big" one.

I can't remember where I got this pattern, maybe an old ornament book.

Oldie, from a kit.

More ornaments with snow.

A polar bear is definitely winter!

Frosty Snowman Mug from Mill Hill.

Mill Hill with kitty Finn!

Who doesn't love a sleigh ride in the snow?

Sweet Snowy Penguin

I made this one for our girls night together, although it's been a while since we've all been able to get together.

A starry snowman

Snowmen mittens

And finally, our winter village.

See you next month when it's Lizzie Kate time.

Happy New Year to you all, I can't even believe it's going to be 2020!

Saturday, 28 December 2019

Spike's last days ⛄

On day twenty-one, Spike snuck outside and got locked out. Scotch tried to let him in, but couldn't open the screen. Good thing he was wearing a sweater!

On day twenty-two, I guess Spike still felt the chill and decided to hang out with some snow friends. He also had a PEZ elf to surprise Nathan with.

On day twenty-three, Spike and Scotch decided to throw together a candy Elf breakfast for Nathan. For some reason, Nathan wasn't very hungry!

On day twenty-four, they got into the Christmas crackers and decided to be the prizes!

And on day twenty-five, Christmas Day, they snuggled with baby Jesus before they left. Happy Birthday, Jesus!

And look who we caught on Christmas Eve!

So this might be the last year for Spike and Scotch, Nathan didn't seem as interested this year. I think he's too scared to admit he doesn't believe. I did find a mini girl elf and might just see if he's willing to take over, or maybe trade off. He might have some fresh ideas, I'm about out of them!

Friday's Stitching Post 🎄

Since this is a gift, I can only show you a tiny piece. Anything else will give it away! If you know what it is... shhh!

This morning I had my usual stitching company.

And since I can't show you any more of my stitching, here's some views from our walk today. Can you tell Nathan was thrilled to walk 3+ miles?

Cool, and a hint.

Perfect hole in the tree trunk, but if I went all the way in you wouldn't be able to see me!

Do you have places near you that you like to walk? Unfortunately we have to drive most places since walking on the main road is not exactly the safest. But there are lots of nice places to walk, so it's all good.

Tuesday, 24 December 2019

More from Spike and Scotch 🎄

On day sixteen, Spike and Scotch decided to be angels since we hadn't decorated the tree yet.

On day seventeen, they got into Nathan's hot chocolate mixture he received as a gift. They were enjoying the candy cane pieces.

On day eighteen, they decided to Just Bee!

On day nineteen, they got happy with the Santa Hat Hershey Kisses!

On day twenty, they found more Hershey Kisses, the candy canes ones! And I thought Nathan had a sweet tooth.

I am so behind on blog reading and commenting, there's been a lot going on and I still want to tell you about it!
I really want to catch up on the online Advent Calendar, hopefully before Christmas... but that's tomorrow!

Friday, 20 December 2019

Friday's Stitching Ground 🎄

Such a busy, fun filled day! I'm finally able to sit and stitch, if only for a little while. This gal is tired! But that will have to be another post.

This evening has me relaxing with Ming and Maximus, using my new mermaid blanket that Cori gave me. It's so soft and warm, and officially kitty approved! 
I've gotten a little farther along with the Christmas Tree Globe, but I also stitched something else during the week so I'm not as far along as I'd like. 

I always think I've started early enough to get ornaments ready for gifts, but I never do. How early do you start, or do you stitch Christmas throughout the year?

Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Spike continued...

On day eleven, Spike and his gang chased Mater away for being a little rough the day before.

On day twelve, they went on dog sleigh ride with the kitties looking a little jealous in the background.

On day thirteen, Gman2 was coming home from Austria and they were so excited!

On day fourteen, they were recovering from celebrating his welcome home!

On day fifteen, they felt much better and helped to recycle all those beer cans!

Sunday, 15 December 2019

Christmas Exchange at Needlecraft Haven 🎁

I'm just a little behind on posting the exchange we did at the beginning of the month, but here it is. 

This is what I received (minus the background).

Oooh, look what I opened, so lovely! The background fabric is the same one used on the ornament, perfect.

Isn't it adorable?! I wrote that I like polar bears and was not disappointed! We didn't know until later who sent it, so a huge thank you to Deb, what a beautiful way to start Christmas.

This is what I sent to Dusty, it was fun putting it together.

I had no idea what to stitch, but I thought this little guy was cute. It didn't come together as well as I would have liked, so don't look too closely.

I placed it in a tin lid from a cookie container I had, and asked DH to drill a hole on top for the string.

Thanks to Christine for organizing the exchange and thanks again to Deb for such a lovely ornament - another fun event at Needlecraft Haven!

Saturday, 14 December 2019

Friday's Stitching Ground 🛬

Today's stitching ground was stitching in the car while DH drove us to the airport to pick up Gman2!
I was working on Mill Hill's Christmas Tree Globe.

And here he is, back after four long months! He had a fantastic time in Austria at Franciscan, with so many memories. I can't wait to see all his photos.

And his dinner of choice his first night home? Having friends come over for Ledo's Pizza (local pizza place) and some American IPA's! 🍺
What do you miss when you've been away from home? 

Thursday, 12 December 2019

Five More Days with Spike ⛺

On day six, they decided to go camping at home since Nathan was going camping with his Boy Scout Troop for the weekend. 

For day seven, Spike snuck away with me and headed to the beach for a break.

He also met up with the Grinch on the boardwalk!

Sadly, on day eight, he was exhausted and went back to his tent to await Nathan's return home.

On day nine, Spike and Scotch brought a little treat for Nathan to enjoy.

On day ten, it looks like Mater was trying to give Spike a joy ride. But I don't think Buzz, Woody, or Hamm thought that was a very good idea and put a stop to it.

Friday, 6 December 2019

Friday's Stitching Ground 🌊

Ah, my stitching ground, not just for today but until Sunday.
There are five of us stitching here in Ocean City, thanks to Denise! We're already having a great time (with just a little🍷) and it's only Friday! 

I decided to stitch Santa Visits Maryland again, this time on 36 count so it will be smaller.

This is my view looking straight ahead, so relaxing.

And our adventure tomorrow? Salty Yarns for stash shopping! One of the ladies has never been there before, so I think we might be there a while.

Do you have a shop near you that you just can't resist? Or one that you're willing to travel to?