Saturday, 29 December 2018

Spike's last ten days 🎅

Oh boy, more antics from Spike and Scotch.

On day sixteen, they ventured to the basement to pay Father Christmas a visit.

On day seventeen, they sat with Pooh and Piglet to get warm by their fire.
Nana gave me that lovely ceramic tree years ago, before she passed away. She made it the year DH was born and I treasure it.

On day eighteen, they brought Buzz and Woody to visit Tigger.

On day nineteen, they tried to play with Nathan's Magic Flow Ring, but got stuck!

On day twenty, they left Nathan a white hot chocolate mix and hot chocolate kisses.
Hmm, I was away the night before, I wonder who didn't let Scotch out? Ew!

On day twenty one, they made Nathan an Elf style breakfast. Um, he wasn't very hungry that morning!

On day twenty two, they joined Santa's Marching Band.

On day twenty three, they left some Elf eggs...
which turned out to be treats for us all!

On day twenty four, more eggs for the family.
Oooh, little grown up "eggs"!

On day twenty five, they paid a visit to the Manger to see baby Jesus.
Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Even Maximus and Ming were getting in the holiday spirit, but maybe not too happy about it.

I hope you all had a very Happy Christmas, now I need to get back to some blog reading and finish some stitching!


Vickie said...

Okay, my favorite picture is the last! Of your two precious boys, Maximus and Ming! I hope and pray you all have a Blessed, Happy, Healthy New Year!

Julie said...

Maximus and Ming do not look very impressed with their Christmas bling.

Linda said...

More fun with Spike and Scotch. Looking forward to seeing their antics next Christmas.


Katie said...

Love their adventures. Thanks for sharing!

Cathy said...

More fun adventures! I can't wait to see what they're up to next year!

Faith... said...

Looks like he thought the Magic Ring was a Hula Hoop and I think he has been watching Buddy do some cooking! ha ha

I think Maximus and Ming really love dressing up, they just don't want you to know!

Kaisievic said...

Great fun, Astrid. Merry Christmas to you all.

Bethan said...

How lovely! Maximus and Ming do not look impressed - did their festivewear last much longer after that picture? x

Mary's Thread said...

What a cute post! Looks like your family has a lot of fun with your Elf! :)

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I'm not sure who has the most fun with Spike - you or Nathan LOL
Definitely not those poor cats, they look most unimpressed!

Christine Williams said...

What cute adventures! So much fun had in your house. Wish you a great new years!

RJ said...

Those little guys have too much fun!!! RJ@stitchingfriendsforever