Thursday, 14 December 2017

TH THursday

THinking, THinking, THinking...

THinking THoughts, and being THankful on THursdays.

Today I am thankful for messages of love.
Nathan wrote this to me when it snowed last weekend. He also wrote something today in the dusting of snow we had last night, but it melted before I could take a picture. 😢


Vickie said...


Vickie said...

So sweet. What a dear boy he is. ❤️

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

What a lovely thing to do!

Barb said...

I can understand why you are thankful to have such a sweet son!!

Faith... said...

How nice is that! Such a sweet son you have.

Penny said...

What a sweet thing for him to do! : )

Maggee said...

Awww... how very sweet of him! :)

Katie said...

Very sweet!