Almost a year ago, my Dad wrote about our weekend together, here. Since we had another wonderful weekend, here's his story...
afternoon as the mailman came with a package around 3.20 p.m. and as
we were talking, I could see a little kid (feet only) coming up from
below the rockery alongside as Dave turned to look - it was Nathan
followed by Astrid obscured by the evergreen bushes. Astrid had
parked by the gate and climbed up the hill by the pool and then came
across; I was flabbergasted - which doesn't happen often, whereupon,
Ulrike suddenly had the two of them standing outside her parlour
window waving! What a delightful afternoon it has turned out to be.
kids were off school but the boys had practise until four o'clock,
whereupon, Astrid decided it would be just her and Nathan as half of
the day would be lost waiting for them. This way she came up part of
the way on the old scenic road enjoying a very relaxed drive.
first thing Nathan requested was a fire outside and so his wish was
granted. Albeit a small one, as the fire pit was crammed with thorn
bush clippings and some pine cones it was enough for smores and
toasted marshmallows. We needed kindling wood and with the pine logs
above the garage and the oak logs down below the garden shed, I was
not about to risk life and limb to look in the dark with a torch.
Also, one never knows what may be lurking in the woods!
the young master was happy and as usual bedded down in my study with
the pull-out trundle bed where loves watching television with me, but
swear that kid would enjoy a televised debate from the Palace of
Westminster just to have the television on!!!
morning after 0ma had returned from chapel, I headed down to
Cumberland with Astrid and Nathan but forwent the flea market as it
would have taken too long, inasmuch, Astrid put the pot roast in the
slow cooker at 7.00 a.m. for to eat upon our return. The Cumberland
mall was really choc-a-block full of people with Breast Cancer
Awareness walkers along the railway track trail, whereas, the
downtown mall was jam packed with a pet awareness Halloween
celebration and dogs everywhere!
Also, lots of kittens up for
adoption. All manner of activities for kids and Nathan received a
beautiful hard bound book with removable jacket on dogs completely
free. Nathan's day was complete when Mountain Thunder rumbled into
action across the tracks down from the mall, billowing steam and
smoke! Prince Charles would have had a fit seeing all the pollution!!
Nathan and Dad |
to the Antique Emporium and toy store with some imported sets of a
type of Ken and Barbie complete with a Morris Minor!! By this time I
was lagging as we were there for at least fifteen minutes and whilst
Astrid and Nathan went to see various activities on the mall, I headed
to the book store and crashed out in a lovely wing backed chair
awaiting their arrival. Quite happy to stay there all afternoon and I
even had a book on old LaVale to read and pass the time until they
arrived and spent another fifteen minutes until Nathan found a book.
The Animal Welfare thrift shop was open and we headed there next
where Astrid found a cross stitch booklet and they were offering free
hot cider and cookies. Back up to the shopping mall to SAVE-MORE and
thence to Astrid's car and we were home by 1.15 p.m. - thank you
Lord!!! An enjoyable time out BUT would that my daughter might slow
down as she charges around like a bat out of hell and takes no
prisoners, so to speak, and 'tis hard going for an old chap to keep
was delicious and the pot roast melted in your mouth, so to speak and
what a treat for a Saturday as we usually have pizza! Must confess it
was a lovely break having Astrid prepare the meal and do the driving.
twenty minutes outside with Nathan hauling tree limbs from alongside
the drive to the fire pit until the rain started and we had to beat a
hasty temporary. There is so much wood cut up behind the garage we
could have fires every night for a week! When the skies cleared, we
hauled up some oak logs and suffice to say I have had a very busy day
and my years are catching up on me, but on reflection think I have
been bypassed!!!
in for a much needed cup of tea and later I went out again, as did
Ulrike with Nathan, who was supposed to hold her coming down the
steps, but some how kept the dog's leash. We went to the fire pit
from where I could see a herd of deer running up the hill and shouted
to Nathan to keep the leash around his wrist - he just had it between
his fingers and as I yelled, Tenny tore off up the hill like a bolt
from a gun!! Raced up after her with Nathan in hot pursuit and
thought I was having a seizure upon reaching the top, but then it was
level going for about half a mile, with us yelling and shouting like
lunatics. Way down below in the valley I saw a glimpse of white and
then Tenny came into view but then decided it was more interesting
down there. We descended rapidly down a steep drop hanging from tree
to tree to keep a balance and then the little minx decided to go
further afield but I knew she was tired, whereas, Nathan was still
raring to go and chased her, jumping on the end of the leash!!! That
dog will be the death of me, and don't ask how I got back up to the
trail again as the closer to the house, the steeper the incline and
in the far distance we could see 0ma's red coat before anything else.
Ye gods, did I have exercise today.
Mom with naughty Tenny! |
we had promised Nathan a real fire and a promise is a promise, and so
he went with his 0ma to collect pine cones. Luckily, we had a few
bars of "fire starter" and with twigs and newspaper got
that to burn as in between it was raining! By 4.30 p.m. the fire was
truly ablaze and needed just the occasional oak log; pine is
excellent to start a fire but oak is what maintains it.
all this excitement, Astrid was shopping at 0llie's and Gabriels as
she needed a "serious shop" without any distractions. Lucky
her, and think I would have switched places in a heart beat!! I swear
during her visits to our local shops, their share prices rocket!!
Suffice to say I am well and truly knackered and if I don't sleep
tonight there truly ain't any justice!! That's it and I need to
"chill out" - advice from my youngest grandchild - and who
am I to argue with a soon to be seven year old!! You should have seen
me coming down the hill with arms outstretched holding onto trees to
slow my rapid descent - I would have been a natural for the crowd
scene in NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD - looked and felt like a bloody
too soon Sunday noon arrived and it was time to bid adieu until
Thanksgiving to our nearest and dearest but not before Astrid
prevailed upon me to take photographs and record the moment, which I
did so with reluctance!! Thus is recorded an a surprise visit to the
mountains of western Maryland by two of the C Family.
Off he goes after saying goodbye to us at the gate, until next time!